My Humax Forum » Freeview HD » FVP 4000T, 5000T

Humax 5000

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    Joined: Oct '22
    Posts: 12


    Wow thanks mate, that will give me something to have a go at & thanks for spelling it out for this ol timer.

    | Mon 31 Oct 2022 8:35:00 #11 |
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    Joined: Oct '22
    Posts: 12


    Wow thanks for all that information, I found 6 mu numbers including the BBC HD one so just did them all. All sorted now as managed to tune the channels ok, just have to wait & see if it all works now. Still dont understand why all our episodes of the soap we like did not record while we were away, only recorded the first 3 in the first week then no more.

    | Mon 31 Oct 2022 9:55:45 #12 |
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    Blue.boy - 9 hours ago

    Still dont understand why all our episodes of the soap we like did not record while we were away, only recorded the first 3 in the first week then no more.

    I don't know, but it is possible that, after those three, the broadcaster created a new series number for that programme (even if the day and time had not changed) and with it a new CRID code for it, which would have required setting up a new series link recording.

    If the programme to which you refer shows episode numbers in the descriptions (many do not) you may find that more recent ones show low numbers for the current series, which should confirm the above.

    Not a problem with the box, but just it doing what it has been told to do.

    | Mon 31 Oct 2022 19:46:15 #13 |
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    Joined: Oct '22
    Posts: 12


    Thank you for helping very much appreciated.

    | Tue 1 Nov 2022 10:47:04 #14 |

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