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Humax 1100S and iPlayer

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    Martin Alford

    new member
    Joined: Oct '24
    Posts: 4


    For several weeks BBC iPlayer has been extremely sluggish on my 1100S box. It has frequently failed to load, and when it has it has been extremely slow. The picture icons have loaded at the speed of old style dial-up, if at all, and performing a search has been screamingly slow: a letter every 20 seconds or so. Now it has stopped working altogether. When I try to load it I get "checking internet connection" followed by a screen asking me to log on to the router, even though it's telling me on the same screen that I'm logged on fine. I'm stuck in a never-ending loop of doom. Other on-demand channels seem to be OK. Is it a fault with the box or with iPlayer, does anyone know? Has anyone else got the same issues? I've tried unplugging the box and plugging it back in but to no avail.

    | Thu 10 Oct 2024 13:52:28 #1 |
  2. Barry


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    Adminstrator 'Barry' has merged this topic 'Humax 1100S and iPlayer' with topic 'On Demand currently not available'.

    This topic is now closed. You can follow the merged topics by clicking here: On Demand currently not available (start of merged post).
    | Mon 14 Oct 2024 20:02:50 #2 |

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