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    Try switching Wi-Fi off and on again in aura settings menu

    | Sun 24 Mar 2024 13:48:59 #11 |
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    I’m still having this problem can’t connect the app to the Humax box just keep getting “invalid registration code please try again”
    Rebooted box , rebooted router, deregistered box, reinstalled the app. made the connection by wi-fi then by ethernet tried different phone or iPads still the same problem
    invalid registration code please try again and again, again. If I reject this purchase we it be the same on another.

    | Wed 27 Mar 2024 17:34:35 #12 |
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    Luigi - I think so. I share your pain at the moment. Gone through all those steps and I still have the issue. One theory I have is that it is something to do with the clocks changing. If the codes are generated in some way on time, at the moment we are at a 'mismatch' to the USA and have been for nearly three weeks. Maybe it gets fixed automatically on Sunday. I'm probably talking utter nonsense, but I'm going to give it one last go on Sunday before I launch the box into outer space!

    | Wed 27 Mar 2024 18:40:47 #13 |
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    baabaa90, love your idea , if this doesn’t work perhaps we can do a joint space launch with all those having this problem.

    | Wed 27 Mar 2024 18:58:03 #14 |
  5. Mars


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    There is an update to the Aura app with an updated SSL certificate so hopefully that will fix this problem.

    | Thu 28 Mar 2024 6:32:05 #15 |
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    It’s fixed by the update.

    | Thu 28 Mar 2024 6:42:00 #16 |
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    Yep. Had to uninstall and reinstall the app, and took a couple of attempts of typing the IP address in manually, but can confirm all works. Thanks for the heads up, Mars. Hope you get it working, Luigi.

    | Thu 28 Mar 2024 9:42:00 #17 |
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    junior member
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    Yippee it’s now working as it should.
    App update has fixed the problem,
    Thanks to all for the input to fix this.

    | Thu 28 Mar 2024 11:16:48 #18 |

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