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Humax Aura Storage

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    That was supposed to be a thumbs up emoji but clearly didn't work.

    | Fri 30 Jul 2021 9:39:24 #11 |
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    Martin Liddle

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    SSThing - 12 mins ago  » 
    So clearly Humax are giving out incorrect advice and they need to be informed of this.

    Sadly it happens all too commonly that Humax support give incorrect advice. I am sure it isn't easy to be a Humax support person with a large portfolio of boxes all with different characteristics. In my experience I would always have a great deal more faith in advice offered by Barry than anything Humax support say.

    | Fri 30 Jul 2021 9:50:04 #12 |
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    Martin Liddle - 2 mins ago  » 

    SSThing - 12 mins ago  » 
    So clearly Humax are giving out incorrect advice and they need to be informed of this.

    Sadly it happens all too commonly that Humax support give incorrect advice. I am sure it isn't easy to be a Humax support person with a large portfolio of boxes all with different characteristics. In my experience I would always have a great deal more faith in advice offered by Barry than anything Humax support say.

    But completely unfair to prospective purchasers or new owners who don't have access to this forum.

    | Fri 30 Jul 2021 9:54:21 #13 |
  4. Paul Bton

    Paul Bton

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    JTMx - 11 hours ago  » 

    Barry - 4 hours ago  » 
    Welcome to our Forum
    Apologises for late reposnse to your questions.
    The simple answer to both is no**
    All my units are 1TB and usually have around 50% used/free. If a 2TB unit is within your budget then go for that.
    ** You could convert recordings to a lower quality and download via the web interface, transfer to an external HDD, and view via an app on the Aura (examples vlcplayer, mx player)

    Thanks Barry! Good to know. I think I'll just go with a 1TB because it's quite a lot cheaper in my case. I'm buying refurbished (from a reputable highstreet UK store) and for some reason the price difference between the 1TB and 2TB is larger than the difference between the sizes when you buy new (£60 difference instead of £30).
    Really looking forward to trying it out and dumping our Sky subscription

    I might be questioning wether a refurbished Aura is really worth it. I bought a shop ex display Aura and it had a real problem with signal. I wonder if some of the early Aura had manufacturing problems. The newer Aura are maybe better, safer. I have the 2tb Aura and the spaciousness is great. But if you don’t need to record and keep several series and films then get the cheaper 1Tb. If you want refurbished maybe buy it from the Humax Direct web site.

    | Fri 30 Jul 2021 11:43:10 #14 |
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    Paul Bton - 22 mins ago  » 

    JTMx - 11 hours ago  » 

    Barry - 4 hours ago  » 
    Welcome to our Forum
    Apologises for late reposnse to your questions.
    The simple answer to both is no**
    All my units are 1TB and usually have around 50% used/free. If a 2TB unit is within your budget then go for that.
    ** You could convert recordings to a lower quality and download via the web interface, transfer to an external HDD, and view via an app on the Aura (examples vlcplayer, mx player)

    Thanks Barry! Good to know. I think I'll just go with a 1TB because it's quite a lot cheaper in my case. I'm buying refurbished (from a reputable highstreet UK store) and for some reason the price difference between the 1TB and 2TB is larger than the difference between the sizes when you buy new (£60 difference instead of £30).
    Really looking forward to trying it out and dumping our Sky subscription

    I might be questioning wether a refurbished Aura is really worth it. I bought a shop ex display Aura and it had a real problem with signal. I wonder if some of the early Aura had manufacturing problems. The newer Aura are maybe better, safer. I have the 2tb Aura and the spaciousness is great. But if you don’t need to record and keep several series and films then get the cheaper 1Tb. If you want refurbished maybe buy it from the Humax Direct web site.

    Interesting! Thanks for the input. My thought process was that if there's an issue I can simply return it and then buy a new one instead. The shop I'd be buying from has great customer service so it would be easy enough to return it.

    I'm buying it for my parents as a gift, they do quite a bit of recording of films/series. They currently use Sky HD and their HDD space is 300GB. They keep on top of deleting things to save space but they are often running near full capacity. I think just over 3 times their current space would be fine but if I buy brand new then I'd definitely cough up the extra £30 for the 2TB.

    The bargain hunter in me wants the refurbished but the sensible side of me wants brand new to avoid any headaches troubleshooting a faulty unit.

    | Fri 30 Jul 2021 12:13:28 #15 |
  6. Barry


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    SSThing - 3 days ago  » 
    So clearly Humax are giving out incorrect advice and they need to be informed of this.

    As previous post Contacts at Humax Towers advised.

    Confirmation received that my advice was correct, and CS personnel also now in alignment with this.

    | Mon 2 Aug 2021 9:40:03 #16 |
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    Unfortunately Barry, they are still giving the same advice :-

    Chat started on 18 Aug 2021, 08:55 AM (GMT+0)
    (08:55:13) *** Xxxxx joined the chat ***
    (08:55:13) Xxxxx: Hello
    (08:55:23) *** Humax UK - Ruairi joined the chat ***
    (08:55:37) Humax UK - Ruairi: Hello welcome to Humax
    (08:56:43) Xxxxx: Hi. I have just noticed that the price of the Aura has been reduced, so I am about to order but I have a question, if that's OK?
    (08:57:19) Humax UK - Ruairi: Of Course
    (08:59:06) Xxxxx: Thank you. On my current machine I can archive recordings to an external USB drive (if the internal hdd is full) and I can still access these directly from the "recordings list". Is this possible for the Aura?
    (09:02:25) Humax UK - Ruairi: It is possible but not in the same way you can essentially once your Aura is synced up to your network to transfer files from it to your PC directly that way it is also possible to transfer them to a USB but you would need to have the correct app downloaded from the Play store.
    (09:03:33) Xxxxx: I don't have a pc. I want to use my USB hdd.
    (09:04:44) Xxxxx: What app do you suggest? And would these recordings still be visible and playable directly from the "recordings list" on the Aura?
    (09:06:43) Humax UK - Ruairi: Yes once you got the app downloaded it would work pretty much the same way as the FVP-5000T
    (09:07:06) Xxxxx: Pretty much or the same?
    (09:08:22) Humax UK - Ruairi: The recordings on the USB would still show up in the list of recordings the same as any recording that would still be on the box's internal HDD
    (09:08:28) Xxxxx: Because it is important that the recordings are accessible via the recordings list and don't require any additional application to play them.
    (09:09:50) Humax UK - Ruairi: The additional apps are available through the box if you do not have a PC though it may be difficult to use the box as you need to be able to access certain websites and set up accounts for google etc though.
    (09:10:57) Xxxxx: I already have Google accounts, why do I need a pc?
    (09:11:37) Xxxxx: Are you saying that the full functionality of the Aura is only possible for pc owners?
    (09:11:37) Humax UK - Ruairi: If you already have the google account you should be OK it would have been needed in order to setup the box correctly.
    (09:13:47) Xxxxx: OK. So what you are saying is that I need to install a file reader application onto the Aura, use that to transfer the recordings to the USB hdd and then just play them as normal from the "recordings list" interface on the Aura?
    (09:14:54) Xxxxx: And this will free up space on the internal hdd?
    (09:16:13) Humax UK - Ruairi: Yes that is pretty much it It is important to know though again sorry just wanting to make sure that the box does require an internet connection in order to work correctly, yes it will free up space but as the storage is a choice of 1TB (500 hours of SD recordings) and 2TB (1000 hours of SD recordings) it should hopefully not be needed for a while.
    (09:16:47) Xxxxx: Yes, I have Internet. Thanks for the help.
    (09:17:16) Humax UK - Ruairi: Your welcome

    | Wed 18 Aug 2021 9:31:25 #17 |

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