I believe that Humax firmware update policy is as follows.
Since all terrestrial television transmitters were digitised and subsequently transmitters were HD enabled the primary update route is over air, I also believe that is this also true
of Freesat boxes, over air is the primary route for firmware updates.
No doubt many will be aware that updates can be downloaded from the Humax website; you to can be emailed a heads-up to their availability if you subscribe. Once the file has been downloaded the instructions on the site will take you through the next steps; you will of course need a USB drive to make the transfer from your computer to your PVR.
I have a Panasonic Blue Ray player which I have connected to my broadband router using aCat5 Ethernet cable. Since I have owned this player (2009) I have downloaded three firmware updates over the internet. The update routine is built into the Panasonic options menu and the task is straight forward, these updates have made my player more responsiveand easier to use. Let us hope that the much heralded HDR 1000S firmware sorts its many
current failings and shortcomings.
As far as I can see there is no reason for the firmware update via the internet option cannot be introduced to the HDR 1000S; will this option be added to the machine in the first
firmware update?