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Humax HDR 1100s and 4k Tv

(29 posts)
  1. grahamlthompson


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    Faust - 3 hours ago  » 

    Correct - but I have a really expensive high power setup with 9.1 audio (150W/channel). no way to tell without a direct comparison. No TV can possibly match this.

    I can say my neighbour has a 4K TV with a soundbar. It is not as good as my TV on it's own.

    But the 2019 LG oleds have the best audio I have ever heard from a thin flat screen TV. I doubt a seperate soundbar would improve the sound at all.

    Afaik the new LG's are unique in building Dolby Atmos Front height 3D speakers which adds discrete height info to upwards firing speakers to a TV added to DTS-HD audio audio tracks , though some soundbars have this option.

    Even my amp requires a seperate amplifier to add read downwards firing atmos speakers

    Imagine a scene with say a monsoon rainfall, the rain appears to come from your ceiling and descend to the floor. Dolby Atmos has digital audio steering capable of sending any sound to the height speakers completely independently of any low to high level surround speakers.

    Basically 9.1 on steroids.

    But of course without a direct comparison, impossible to say. I doubt any one upgrading from just a thin flat screen TV without any other external audio will be disappointed.

    When I tried the TV audio I was impressed. Which testing the same TV also observed how good the sound is.

    | Sat 4 Jan 2020 20:33:53 #21 |
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    grahamlthompson - 13 hours ago  » 

    Faust - 3 hours ago  » 

    But the 2019 LG oleds have the best audio I have ever heard from a thin flat screen TV. I doubt a seperate soundbar would improve the sound at all.

    When I tried the TV audio I was impressed. Which testing the same TV also observed how good the sound is.

    I have said the TVs own internal speakers are quite passable Graham. However, they weren't up to the Sonos Playbar. I would recommend you visit a Richer Sounds and audition the C9 with a Playbar and without in their purpose built audio rooms. The staff will be more than happy to set one up (no obligation to buy and no pressure tactics).

    The Playbar is a £700 device - Sonos view the specs in the link.

    | Sun 5 Jan 2020 10:30:54 #22 |
  3. foxleybob


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    foxleybob - 9 mins ago  » 
    Playbar reduced to £599 at the moment.....

    Yes I know, it actually states this in the link provided. However, it was £700 when I bought mine in 2013. Perhaps I should have hung on 6 years?

    | Sun 5 Jan 2020 11:07:09 #24 |
  5. grahamlthompson


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    Faust - 1 hour ago  » 

    grahamlthompson - 13 hours ago  » 

    Faust - 3 hours ago  » 
    But the 2019 LG oleds have the best audio I have ever heard from a thin flat screen TV. I doubt a seperate soundbar would improve the sound at all.
    When I tried the TV audio I was impressed. Which testing the same TV also observed how good the sound is.

    I have said the TVs own internal speakers are quite passable Graham. However, they weren't up to the Sonos Playbar. I would recommend you visit a Richer Sounds and audition the C9 with a Playbar and without in their purpose built audio rooms. The staff will be more than happy to set one up (no obligation to buy and no pressure tactics).

    The Playbar is a £700 device - Sonos view the specs in the link.

    Why would I do that ? . I have a AV receiver that when new cost over £3000.00 and speakers totalling over £1000.00 (in a 9.1 setup). . I was comparing the audio with my previous Panasonic 47" model. My grandson now has this TV. The audio from that was OK, the LG is far superior.

    | Sun 5 Jan 2020 11:48:24 #25 |
  6. grahamlthompson


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    Speaker layout - The front ceiling Atmos speakers are replaced with upward firing Atmos speakers,


    1. Speakers.jpg (141.1 KB, 3 downloads) 5 years old
    | Sun 5 Jan 2020 12:29:43 #26 |
  7. foxleybob


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    Faust - 1 hour ago  » 

    foxleybob - 9 mins ago  » 
    Playbar reduced to £599 at the moment.....

    Yes I know, it actually states this in the link provided. However, it was £700 when I bought mine in 2013. Perhaps I should have hung on 6 years?

    Sorry, I didn't read through the link fully.

    | Sun 5 Jan 2020 12:37:11 #27 |
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    grahamlthompson - 2 hours ago  » 

    Faust - 1 hour ago  » 

    grahamlthompson - 13 hours ago  » 

    Faust - 3 hours ago  » 
    But the 2019 LG oleds have the best audio I have ever heard from a thin flat screen TV. I doubt a seperate soundbar would improve the sound at all.
    When I tried the TV audio I was impressed. Which testing the same TV also observed how good the sound is.

    I have said the TVs own internal speakers are quite passable Graham. However, they weren't up to the Sonos Playbar. I would recommend you visit a Richer Sounds and audition the C9 with a Playbar and without in their purpose built audio rooms. The staff will be more than happy to set one up (no obligation to buy and no pressure tactics).
    The Playbar is a £700 device - Sonos view the specs in the link.

    Why would I do that ? . I have a AV receiver that when new cost over £3000.00 and speakers totalling over £1000.00 (in a 9.1 setup). . I was comparing the audio with my previous Panasonic 47" model. My grandson now has this TV. The audio from that was OK, the LG is far superior.

    Because we weren’t comparing your super duper ‘expensive’ audio system, rather a soundbar versus the C9 internal speakers. BTW I got rid of our expensive 5.1 system in favour of the Playbar as we weren’t really using it and were fed up with speakers all over the place. Prefer the simplicity of a minimalist Playbar.

    | Sun 5 Jan 2020 14:11:26 #28 |
  9. Trev


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    Faust - 1 day ago  » 

    grahamlthompson - 1 hour ago  » 

    Faust - 33 mins ago  » 

    grahamlthompson - 16 hours ago  » 

    grahamlthompson - 12 secs ago  » 

    Faust - 32 mins ago  » 

    grahamlthompson - 59 mins ago  » 

    Tpost - 4 hours ago  » 
    Many thanks guys for your comments. Most helpful.
    Which LG TV ?
    In summary it appears that this 4K OLED purchase would be an excellent upgrade both for sound and picture.
    Also longer term it would help to future proof the set when 4k transmissions become fully available.
    I do understand that when not fed with a 4k signal much of the benefit of a 4k set would be lost but as many of the top priced set are 4k anyway then its just part of the deal.
    Thanks to all for your replies

    Even just using the TV for audio is impressive considering the very thin screen. The TV is thicker at the back at the botton to accomodate the speakers including the upfiring speakers required to reproduce Dolby Atmos audio.

    I find the audio from the LGs internal speakers a bit thin when compared to my Sonos Playbar. Having said that, if all you’ve experienced are the internal speakers then they are passable.

    Which LG TV ?

    49SK810 Super UHD LCD. The internal components are the same as the OLEDS they differ only in the display panels.

    So how are you able to comment on the audio quality of the TV audio ? My comments were based on a 2019 C9 LG OLED that comes with built in atmos speakers.

    Because Graham I have auditioned one in Richer Sounds audio rooms. The assistant said to me without any prompting from me that the speakers whilst not bad would be no match for a Sonos Playbar - he wasn't wrong.
    The assistant did connect both a Playbar and the Sonos Beam to let me judge for myself.
    This is what Expert Reviews had to say about the audio on the C9 - Despite the TV's thin chassis, the C9's sound quality is better than many televisions we've tested thanks to some clever tuning. It kicks out some surprisingly decent bass. If you’re thinking of skimping on a soundbar though, don’t – the images produced by a TV of this calibre deserve to be accompanied by equally refined audio.

    For goodness sake stop this stupid multiple quote madness. Use the reply box instead of the quote button.

    | Mon 6 Jan 2020 14:35:11 #29 |

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