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Humax HDR 1100S stopped responding to remote

(6 posts)
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    Hi folks, hope someone here can offer some pointers with this problem! My box is a month old and has worked fine until this evening. Suddenly it won't respond to the remote. I know the remote works because I can still control my TV with it. I have also changed the batteries.

    If I unplug the box for a couple of minutes then restart, the box will respond to the remote for a few seconds, then it stops responding again. Is there anything else I can try to get it working or is it going to have to be replaced?

    (Edit) Admin, sorry for being such an amateur ... please move this thread as appropriate

    | Sat 8 Jul 2017 21:57:37 #1 |
  2. Barry


    senior admin
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    Welcome to our Forum

    Unusual symptoms.

    As box is only one month old I would not waste anytime trying to investigate, get it replaced.

    No need for apology soon moved to correct area

    | Sun 9 Jul 2017 9:24:06 #2 |
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    Thanks for the welcome

    Yes, I have contacted Hughes Direct via Amazon to initiate a replacement. I left it unplugged last night and tried again this morning. This time it worked for a couple of minutes before once again ignoring the remote.

    My money's on a physical fault in the IR receiver, possibly a dry joint, which opens as the unit warms up. But I guess I'll never know.

    Fingers now crossed that Hughes don't try to palm me off on Humax customer service, whose reputation doesn't instil confidence.

    | Sun 9 Jul 2017 9:31:21 #3 |
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    A wee update ... Hughes Direct didn't want to know, because the order was fulfilled by Amazon. They say this means they are simply providing stock to Amazon, and Amazon is the seller. This may be useful info for anyone else who gets in a similar situation.

    I have just phoned Amazon and their call centre agent arranged a return for full refund without any quibbles at all.

    So, a supplementary question ... is this representative of Humax quality? Can I safely buy a direct replacement?

    | Sun 9 Jul 2017 14:56:23 #4 |
  5. Barry


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    towny - 36 minutes ago  » 

    So, a supplementary question ... is this representative of Humax quality? Can I safely buy a direct replacement?

    Not usual Humax quality at all in my experience, and I have at least one of each model connected at the moment - not all used in anger I might add, as I do not watch a lot of TV to be honest.

    | Sun 9 Jul 2017 15:36:20 #5 |
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    Posts: 31


    I've had this problem too - for me it was a case of not accepting most remote keypresses for around 30 minutes after boot up. 90% reliable after that.

    | Wed 19 Jul 2017 21:49:09 #6 |

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