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Humax App problems

(27 posts)
  1. jmaynard


    Joined: Jan '21
    Posts: 23


    Have you tried signing out of your account and then signing back in?

    Tried that already on all devices- no difference.

    | Fri 29 Jan 2021 11:04:55 #11 |
  2. Mars


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    Have you looked at this thread where some people have a similar problem and a solution in post #27:

    | Fri 29 Jan 2021 11:27:41 #12 |
  3. jmaynard


    Joined: Jan '21
    Posts: 23


    Have you looked at this thread where some people have a similar problem and a solution in post #27:

    Already tried that on two devices - no change...

    | Fri 29 Jan 2021 11:32:20 #13 |
  4. Mars


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    Posts: 379


    One last idea, is your network/router/firewall blocking connection to the server. You could check this by connecting using 4G to see if the Schedule and TV Guide are available.

    | Fri 29 Jan 2021 12:45:14 #14 |
  5. jmaynard


    Joined: Jan '21
    Posts: 23


    using 4G to see if the Schedule and TV Guide are available

    I did try that - no difference!
    Really, quite puzzling...

    | Fri 29 Jan 2021 13:05:30 #15 |
  6. jmaynard


    Joined: Jan '21
    Posts: 23


    OK, so here is a summary of the current situation:
    Aura app installed on two iPads, iPhone and Android phone; all reinstalled; all connect to Aura BOX (adding device lists the box with the new name I gave it to ensure connection to the right one!).
    All four devices show an empty screen for TV Guide and Schedule (both of which I can see when I login to; all devices show the full and correct list of Recordings (I double checked the device list against the box list) and all four will convert and download a recorded programme - clearly, this indicates a connection (of some sort) between apps and box. Despite this I reset all the network connections and wi-fi to box is rated 'Excellent' signal strength; all app versions are up-to-date and box has latest firmware installed.
    I can Ping the box from my desktop and iPhone.
    Someone said elsewhere on the forum the the app retrieves not just the TV Guide form an external address but the Schedule as well; if this is true the problems would suggest a network issue even though I can see the TV Guide and my Schedule in Safari on my desktop, iPhone and Android phone; the iPads both display the TV Guide but not the Schedule (showing the Info Management page as seen previously - this could be a cache issue).
    Altogether puzzling...

    | Fri 29 Jan 2021 13:54:49 #16 |
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    special member
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    Puzzling, because I've got both an Android and iOS device and both have had no problems getting the guide / schedule / recordings. There must be something odd about your network. Are your mobile devices on the same SSID or subnet as the aura? Is the aura configured wired or wirelessly?

    Mine is simple in the sense that the box and all devices are on the same subnet ( and same SSID. When accessing it via 4G or on a different network I can still see the TV guide (matching my home location, i.e. BBC 1 North West etc) and Schedule but On Now and Recordings are greyed out.

    | Fri 29 Jan 2021 14:47:52 #17 |
  8. jmaynard


    Joined: Jan '21
    Posts: 23


    All devices are on the same SSID and subnet - eg: Aura is and iPad Pro is; but I am connected (somewhat) to the Aura because all the apps all see the saved Recordings.

    I cannot image any issue that would prevent all four devices from accessing the TV guide through the app when all four can see it via a browser.

    There are no port forwarding or other rules set on my firewall.

    | Fri 29 Jan 2021 15:01:59 #18 |
  9. jmaynard


    Joined: Jan '21
    Posts: 23


    Just had the chance to ry the iPhone app on another wi-fi and not surprised to find the same issue as at home - I did think it is not an issue with my network...

    | Fri 29 Jan 2021 15:59:36 #19 |
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    senior member
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    Posts: 98


    Try and log into myHUMAX website:

    All the App is doing is connecting to this website to access the guide and list of scheduled recordings.

    On this webpage, can you see the guide and schedule?

    Does this show a connection to your Aura? (goto My Page, then Manage Device)

    One thing I have found, you need to keep the default name as "FVP-4KGTR" and don't change it to anything else, as otherwise the App doesn't seem to work.

    | Fri 29 Jan 2021 23:30:26 #20 |

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