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Humax App problems

(27 posts)
  1. jmaynard


    Joined: Jan '21
    Posts: 23


    I can see Schedule and TV guide from Safari (Mac) but still not from any copies of the app. I did check the name in case that was an issue but it is still at default

    | Sat 30 Jan 2021 7:30:44 #21 |
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    On the settings page of the App, I assume it shows the Myhumax account you are logged into, along with the connection to "Your device".

    It should say:
    "Your device
    FVP-4KGTR is connected"

    If you try signing out of your account and back in again on the app, does it make any difference?

    I downloaded the Aura App onto my wife's phone last night. I added the MyHumax login details and the guide and schedule appeared straight away. I've not connected the box yet, so the live streaming and recordings are not shown yet. However, it does prove that the Guide/Schedule are purely linked to your MyHumax account and nothing to do with connection to the box itself.

    If you haven't already, worth deleting the Aura from MyHumax website and adding back again and see if that works.

    | Sat 30 Jan 2021 13:20:01 #22 |
  3. jmaynard


    Joined: Jan '21
    Posts: 23


    It should say:

    Apart from the IP as - that is exactly as shown...

    | Sat 30 Jan 2021 13:45:33 #23 |
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    Very odd. Struggling to wonder what else it could be then.

    I've attached a couple of screen shots of what I see my myHUMAX website to see if you can spot anything different here?


    1. Screenshot_2021-01-30_160103.png (152.8 KB, 7 downloads) 4 years old
    2. Screenshot_2021-01-30_155901.png (130.3 KB, 4 downloads) 4 years old
    | Sat 30 Jan 2021 16:01:53 #24 |
  5. jmaynard


    Joined: Jan '21
    Posts: 23


    Same for me...

    | Sat 30 Jan 2021 18:03:26 #25 |
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    I'm having similar problems with the TV Guide. On an Android phone everything seems to work, but the guide never populates - albeit sometimes the odd channel does. On another Android phone it works fine. On an Ipad the TV Guide populates straight away, but it seems to get very confused about which day it is the day after and refreshing the guide makes no difference. A restart of the IOS app seems to do the trick. Not ideal, but usable.

    On the Android phone I've tried deleting the device and re-adding it. Logging into and out of the app. Clearing the app cache and data. Deleting the app and re-installing. The device is definitely connected and I'm on the same network. I'm also using the latest Android app.

    I saw the comment about problems if you change the device name. I had changed the name so I changed it back to the default. Deleted the device from the apps. Restarted the Humax and then adding them back again. Still no guide on the android phone.

    Logging on to I can see the device and the TV Guide displays fine. Also tried from a browser on the Android phone I'm having issues with and no problems.

    Finally, I tried turning off WiFi - and the TV Guide populated! I closed the app, cleared the cache and data. Turned WiFi back on. Logged back in and added the TV Guide:-( Oh and every other App on the Phone works find on WiFi.

    | Sat 30 Jan 2021 18:38:53 #26 |
  7. jmaynard


    Joined: Jan '21
    Posts: 23


    But by an unexpected route.
    For reasons not (thought to be) connected to the app issues, my box has been replaced (next day thanks to Amazon's great service). After installing and configuring the new box - guess what? The app on all four devices works as meant to once the new box is registered
    Weird (or poor QA by Humax...

    | Sun 31 Jan 2021 14:05:35 #27 |

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