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Incorrect Link, the link is currently not available

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    Hi all,
    Hoping for some help. I bought my system yesterday and set up was very easy, the only thing I can't get to work is the on demand section. If I click on either the iplayer or itv player I get a message saying Incorrect Link, the link is currently not available.
    In settings it says I'm connected, I'm using the sky dongle I used with my sky setup and all the on demand services worked fine.
    Any advice much appreciated

    | Sun 13 Jan 2013 11:43:18 #1 |


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    Hi and Welcome.
    I rather think something is not correct on your LAN.
    Can you look in Home > Showcase - does all look normal?
    Does Settings > System Info > Network Info show an IP address and if so what.
    Is your Sky unit currently connected to the network?

    | Sun 13 Jan 2013 12:22:49 #2 |
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    I have the same problem.

    Part 1: Bought a Humax FOXSAT-HDR 500GB in July 2012. All worked fine until mid December when iPlayer told me it was not connected. I had not changed anything. I had been using homeplug adapters which worked well. Checked them and they were fine. Tried a direct ethernet cable but it was still showing 'not connected'. I then checked everything thoroughly without success. My laptop on the same connection could get the internet and iPlayer. My Talktalk broadband speed is 3.2Mbps, which should be adequate. It worked before. Yesterday I finally took the box back to Curry's who could not test it and simply refunded in full because the model had been discontinued they said.

    Part 2: I was persuaded to pay the extra and get a new HDR-1000S 500GB. Easy installation - almost completely automatic. Looks good. Network connection was confirmed and the correct IP address displayed. On Demand shows iPlayer available, Showcase dispays on demand programmes, Guide shows earlier days programmes, Humax menu option shows TV Portal. After taking any of these options it says 'Incorrect Link' or 'cannot connect to network'.

    I have tried emailing Humax support - no reply last December or from yesterday yet. Managed to speak to Humax tech support yesterday who's only suggestion was to do a factory reset (on a brand new box?) and he would email me so I could reply to him with the outcome. Unfortunately he hasn't yet so I emailed the unsuccessful outcome anyway. I also found there was a firmware update but that has made no difference.

    It seems a coincidence that both boxes have the same problem but I am a total loss as to what is wrong and find the whole thing frustrating, especially as the shop said that Humax is the top model. Any clues anyone?

    | Wed 16 Jan 2013 12:03:24 #3 |
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    Martin Liddle

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    Have you tried power cycling the router or connecting to a different port on the router? Certainly a TalkTalk router I used in the past had a habit of occasionally refusing to route traffic from one port to the Internet; a power cycle fixed it. It sounds very like a problem on your network rather than the Humax.

    | Wed 16 Jan 2013 12:50:22 #4 |
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    Thank you Martin but I don't think that there anything or any combination or sequence of things I have not tried already, including trying each of the router ports. They all work with the PC. Also, powering off and on the router and resetting the router makes no difference. I have tested these options again today without success. When the router is on and connected the green light is on at the ethernet cable socket on the back of the Humax.

    Could you please explain what you mean by 'a power cycle' if it is not just switching it off, waiting, then powering up again?

    | Wed 16 Jan 2013 13:03:04 #5 |


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    Does your PC obtain it's network settings from your router via DHCP?

    | Wed 16 Jan 2013 13:08:28 #6 |
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    The router Local Network settings show Network Address Server Settings (DHCP) *ON with Use default range *YES. The Basic Setup Internet Connection Type shows DHCP Mode *OFF but that is as the original factory setting and I cannot be changed. The older Foxstat box allowed creation of the setting using DHCP or by manual entry. DHCP worked then. The new box does not give the option. Remember that I was getting iPlayer on the old Humax till it suddenly stopped working in December without any parameters having been changed.

    One thing I have noticed is that on the old Humax the Router IP address showed as with DNS address The network info on the new box shows the same correct Gateway IP address and the primary DNS address also as The new box finds its network parameters itself with no other available option.

    | Wed 16 Jan 2013 13:27:00 #7 |


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    wotsgoinon - 44 minutes ago  » 
    The router Local Network settings show Network Address Server Settings (DHCP) *ON with Use default range *YES. The Basic Setup Internet Connection Type shows DHCP Mode *OFF but that is as the original factory setting and I cannot be changed. The older Foxstat box allowed creation of the setting using DHCP or by manual entry. DHCP worked then. The new box does not give the option. Remember that I was getting iPlayer on the old Humax till it suddenly stopped working in December without any parameters having been changed.
    One thing I have noticed is that on the old Humax the Router IP address showed as with DNS address The network info on the new box shows the same correct Gateway IP address and the primary DNS address also as The new box finds its network parameters itself with no other available option.

    The old Foxsat DNS address cannot be correct - It cannot end with a zero and I do not think that it would be possible for DHCP to have set it.
    My previous question ask about the PC network settings - I wanted to see it they were manual or not.

    You mention that on the router "The Basic Setup Internet Connection Type shows DHCP Mode *OFF" If this means that your your external settings are fixed then you would miss any ISP changes to IP and importantly DNS.

    You said Showtime was populated (with pictures?, does it appear up to date?) This does imply that you have internet connectibity and are able to resolve at least one url.

    | Wed 16 Jan 2013 14:29:09 #8 |
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    The old Foxstat box settings I had were noted after it stopped working so that is probably a red herring. I was just noting that the DNS address was different from the router IP address but the IP and DNS addresses are the same on the new box. I thought that might be significant. (As you will have guessed, though I worked for over twenty years in IT on the business analysis side, I am not an expert on networks - we had young guys with loads of patience to do that.)

    Showtime is indeed populated with current information and pictures on programmes as checked against the newspaper guide. I can ping the Humax box IP address - ave round trip time 4ms, which I thought would confirm there is something there?

    There is quite a delay before the Incorrect Link or no connection messages appear. Could it be that something is running slow and it is timing out before presenting the only available messages, i.e they are misleading. The Humax box thinks it is connected, quote "Great, you're connected"; the router shows it is connected; I can ping it from the PC; I can get onto the web from the PC and the laptop when connected to the same cable as used for the Humax box.

    I note that Talktalk does have firmware updates for some of its routers but not the Siemens SE587 they gave me. Do you think I need to reinstall it to see if it allows me set the DHCP mode to *ON?

    I really appreciate your efforts to help. It would be good to get this working as it should.

    | Wed 16 Jan 2013 15:00:20 #9 |


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    That the HDR-1000S says great you are connected - just means it has a LAN connection - it does not mean that it can access the internet or resolve ip's.

    You did not answer one question - is the PC network connection (on the PC) set to automatic (DHCP) or manual and if the latter what. I want to rule this out as a reson for the PC working and not the HDR-1000S.

    It is quite possible that your streaming speed is much less than your broadband speed. Test here and post results IPlayer Test
    My bb speed is Normally 7.7 kbps and the test tells me that I have a streaming speed of 2.9 kbps.

    | Wed 16 Jan 2013 15:41:01 #10 |

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