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Issues while recording a programme

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    junior member
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    Posts: 6



    I have just recently purchased a Humax Aura and am having issues when watching a live programme while it is recording the same programme. if I then pause the programme during recording for a few minutes then push play the programme jumps forward to where it has recorded to instead of picking up where I left off. If I then push the back button to try and get back to where I left off it then jumps back to the very start of the programme or even on occasions to the previous programme.

    Any ideas?


    | Sat 20 Apr 2024 10:10:25 #1 |
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    special member
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    Posts: 127


    This is normal - normal how crap this machine is
    Read the other posts

    | Sat 20 Apr 2024 18:47:53 #2 |
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    junior member
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    Yeah, done that but was hoping there might be a fix but looks like not

    | Sat 20 Apr 2024 20:06:02 #3 |
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    special member
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    Just do a reboot from time to time

    | Sun 21 Apr 2024 16:36:48 #4 |
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    junior member
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    Thanks, will give that a try.

    | Sun 21 Apr 2024 16:56:13 #5 |
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    senior member
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    I did factory reset but did not connect to internet. All the problems with recording and jumping back went away.Use a firestick for apps and catch up etc.

    | Mon 22 Apr 2024 18:18:11 #6 |
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    junior member
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    Reboot seems to have worked, thanks. Hopefully stay that way

    | Tue 23 Apr 2024 8:23:36 #7 |

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