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ITV Hub Failing to Open

(21 posts)
  1. Barry


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    Quelle surprise - This morning it is working!

    | Fri 4 Mar 2016 8:19:40 #11 |
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    I'm still having the same problem on my HDR1100S. All other On Demand services are working, just not the ITV one. I can view the ITV channel successfully, so I'm not sure why this isn't working?

    | Fri 4 Mar 2016 13:20:10 #12 |
  3. Barry


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    Welcome to our Forum

    I've just this minute tested again on a 1100S and it is still working for me.

    | Fri 4 Mar 2016 13:53:31 #13 |
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    Hmm, strange. Do you think it's worth doing a factory reset? Could it possibly be a postcode issue?

    | Fri 4 Mar 2016 14:21:21 #14 |
  5. Barry


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    If an English/Welsh postcode then a factory reset would be my next step.

    Make a note of your timers as you will have to reschedule them.

    | Fri 4 Mar 2016 14:24:43 #15 |
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    OK, so this is odd; I did a factory reset, and it started working again. However, when setting up my box to my customizations, I removed a bunch of channels that I will never watch from the "editable channels" list. Once I'd done that, the ITV player stopped working again. I guess it depends on some channels being available in the list to make it work? I reset again, and I've now kept all the ITV channels, the "on demand" channel, and the "ITV hub" channel. I may try deleting these one by one to see if I can work out which channel it needs.

    Thanks everyone for their contributions to this.


    | Sun 6 Mar 2016 8:14:04 #16 |
  7. Barry


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    Almost certainly due to channel deletion as the ITV hub is an MHEG application launched via a broadcast LCN.

    Are you deleting channel 903 per chance?

    | Sun 6 Mar 2016 8:29:50 #17 |
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    I had previously delete 903, and all other ITV channels except ITV HD. I have just now kept 903, and deleted all other ITV channels except ITV HD, and the ITV Hub has stopped working again, so I guess it relies on the channels being available as well.

    I think I'll just live without it for now, I don't watch ITV that often! Thanks for your help Barry.


    | Mon 7 Mar 2016 8:05:36 #18 |
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    Still not loading for me and I've never deleted any channels etc.

    If it is due to being on a borders post code, it's a bit silly that the ITV Hub icon appears at all. Or it should at least provide a message explaining why it can't open, rather than just "crashing".

    | Mon 7 Mar 2016 11:20:16 #19 |
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    Anyone else having problems with YouTube on the FVP-5000T? The search alphabet keeps disappearing, sometimes just one line and other times the complete alphabet. It's fine on my Firestick so looks like we need another fix close on the heels of the last one when you could only get a ghost screen.

    | Sat 21 Nov 2020 21:09:55 #20 |

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