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ITV Lorraine / This Morning Padding

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    I wonder if anyone else has had the same problem with ITV recordings recently? My Humax 1100S has been recording ITV Lorraine & also This Morning on ITV HD with no problems until recently. The Lorraine programe had approx 1 minute+ at the end of the This Morning programme & yes This morning had first 1 minute chopped off. The padding was set at 5 minutes before/after & worked upto now. I then contacted Freesat for help . . . factory reset . . . no other help or suggestions. I was reluctant due to knowing it was going to take approx. 2 hours to reset whole box: loads of schedules, favourite setting, etc + not forgetting the App passwords on a few.

    So I reset box & same thing happened again with Lorraine & This morning. I also tested the ITV recordings on my other Freesat pvr: Humax Foxsat (set at 2 minute padding beginning & end) & this was 100% ok with no chopped recordings. Well today I tested the Humax 1100S/tried Auto padding & every worked 100% fine - no chopped recordings. All other tv programmes recorded before & this week on ITV/BBC ect have proved fine. Only seems to be Lorraine & This Morning. It seems as if the 1100S CRID data is different? Any clues would be appreciated. If there is a problem, I will report back to Freesat. John L

    | Fri 14 Feb 2020 21:34:20 #1 |
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    Looks like I'm the only one that had the problem with ITV schedules. I will contact Freesat tomorrow & see what they confirm. John L

    | Sun 16 Feb 2020 13:19:55 #2 |
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    Stuff like this is almost certainly caused by the broadcaster not sending the correct start/end times via the EPG. However, as not everyone schedules the same recordings (added to the fact that not all owners are on forums like us), sometimes it will seem like the problem is only affecting one person, when it may be loads but we can never know.

    | Sun 16 Feb 2020 16:24:45 #3 |
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    Thank you SSThing,
    I have sent a message to Freesat again to find out more. As you mention may be affecting more users, but they might not even know if not reported. I will report back if I get an answer from Freesat. John L

    | Sun 16 Feb 2020 18:08:11 #4 |
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    Hi, I came across your post when looking for recording issues on my Humax FVP-5000T, mainly around CH5, but I have the exact same issue you have described here with ITV This Morning. Humax advised me to do a factory rest on the box to see if it fixed the problem, it did not.

    I know this problem started on 31st January 2020, (as did my CH5 problems), I have recordings from 30th & before that start on time with the ITV ident, where as the one from 31st onward all start 2 minutes in.

    This morning (no pun intended 21/02) I ran a test, I have an older Sony PVR which is not having any issues. Times are accurate as I was doing this on my phone. Here are the results....

    09:58:05 - Sony PVR started recording (got last bit of an ad & then ITV ident etc)
    09:58:40 - ITV This Morning started
    checked Humax guide & it was still on Lorraine & not recording
    10:00:05 - Humax started recording

    So in conclusion ITV are starting this program early, but Humax is not picking up the fact from the guide. I have this on series link, I don't use the padding option.

    My next task is to find a post for the CH5 problems & convince Humax they need to sort it. (recording starts 2 mins early then as soon as the program actually begins it stops recording, even more annoying than missing 2 mins at the start of a program).

    | Fri 21 Feb 2020 12:19:18 #5 |
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    Hi NevM,
    Glad someone else agrees & has same problem. We can't be the only 2 in the whole uk noticing this? I expect a lot of users can't be bothered (lazy) or have not even noticed. All we seem to hear about at the moment is Streaming & not recording. Some of us still record & hopefully will continue to record into the future.

    Well, I have been in touch with Freesat again & given them more details/box software etc. Hopefully their experts/software engineers will communicate with the TV broadcasters & track the problem soon.

    If I hear anything I will report back. John L

    | Sat 22 Feb 2020 11:48:03 #6 |
  7. Trev


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    NevM - 23 hours ago  »  Humax advised me to do a factory rest on the box to see if it fixed the problem, it did not.

    They always do and it rarely does anything that a power cycle doesn't.

    | Sat 22 Feb 2020 12:13:20 #7 |
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    Thank you Trev,
    Once I hear anything from Freesat, I will report back. John L

    | Sun 23 Feb 2020 12:24:55 #8 |
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    I had this response back from Humax support this morning re my recording issues:

    "Thank you for checking that and for advising us that others seem to be having a similar issue to you in this regard. The fact that this is now happening on different models of boxes on different TV platforms (Freeview and Freesat). Would indicate that it is likely as expressed on the forum thread you included to be a broadcast related issue with the EPG data. I have passed this feedback on and we will be now looking in to this matter to see if there is anything on ourside that can be adjusted to help rectify this quite peculiar problem."

    | Mon 24 Feb 2020 12:32:51 #9 |

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