Woke up The next day to find the itvplayer now siting proudly next to the iplayer! Works fine. How very strange!
Now, can someone please tell me if I can somehow add sky news?!
Woke up The next day to find the itvplayer now siting proudly next to the iplayer! Works fine. How very strange!
Now, can someone please tell me if I can somehow add sky news?!
Zarjaz - 10 minutes ago »
Woke up The next day to find the itvplayer now siting proudly next to the iplayer! Works fine. How very strange!
Now, can someone please tell me if I can somehow add sky news?!
Not in Freesat mode, you need a Foxsat-hdr running the custom firmware to do that.
REPASSAC - 14 minutes ago »
mcdunne100 - 1 hour ago »
Okay, so signal strength on Tuner 1 is 'Good' with about 80% of the bar being light blue(no signal on Tuner 2 but it does confirm 'Freesat box connected with 2 cable').Was quality also good? Much more important.
Yes, it was equally strong...
You can get SKY news but have to access the non freesat mode in settings, go to
1. Settings
2. System Settings
3. STB
Then you need to search for transponder 12207V 27500 A then search for all free to air - afterwards delete channels not wanted and keep ones that are non freesat.
Save the search and next time you want SKY news got to
1. Settings
2. System Settings
3. STB and it will change to non freesat mode
remember to bring the box out of non freesat mode otherwise your recordings on freesat freeetime will not record, once finished looking at sky news or other non freesat channels press home then select return to freesat mode.
Hope this helps
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