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ITV - SD has disappeared

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    Mike w

    Joined: May '22
    Posts: 24


    This is exactly the problem I have been experiencing for the past few days. I live in East Anglia and we get our local news (Anglia) on ITV SD, but Meridian on ITV HD, so I'm in the same position as the OP (and I don't know why, either). ITV 1 (and ITV 3) - just a blank, black screen, whether trying to watch live via Humax or watching a programme we thought we had recorded (schedule shows it, but it will not play). Interestingly, ITV 4 is fine. If we can't find a solution on this forum, where's a good place to go to complain/moan/file an issue? I think this is Aura related, because all ITV stations show up fine when viewed directly on the TV.
    For clarification: ITV works fine on HD - it's just SD that's the issue. I can actually see (just) the Sandy Heath transmitter from an upstairs window, so I'm fairly happy it's not a signal issue.

    | Thu 29 Aug 2024 11:57:47 #11 |
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    I've reported it to ITV and to Humax.
    "Humax Customer Support" <>

    Wait and see now...

    | Thu 29 Aug 2024 14:19:04 #12 |
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    I'm glad it's not just me going mad at least!

    | Thu 29 Aug 2024 19:16:26 #13 |
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    Mike w

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    Thanks GJK. I'll be very interested to know what they have to say.

    | Thu 29 Aug 2024 20:01:38 #14 |
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    I have 2 Humax Aura boxes I've lost ITV1 on both boxes on Tuesday and itv4 I think (channel number 10) is also black.

    I've also found my Humax remote volume buttons have started working in reverse too with the tv

    | Thu 29 Aug 2024 20:37:04 #15 |
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    I've just discovered Iplayer, ItvX and other catchup players just error as well as itv1 having a black screen

    | Thu 29 Aug 2024 22:54:15 #16 |
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    I find that going to the Apps screen and selecting iplayer,ITVX etc. frequently results in an "Oops there's van error" screen
    BUT if I then select the white Freeview button to access the home screen, and click on iplayer, ITVX etc. the error is not there and they work!
    I've had that issue for about a year

    | Fri 30 Aug 2024 22:06:40 #17 |
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    They're working fine today. Although my remote volume is working in reverse to the tv and button mapper gets over ridden

    | Fri 30 Aug 2024 22:14:35 #18 |
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    Richard W

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    I have the same problem as the OP, no ITV1 or ITV3. ITV1+1 on 35, and ITV1 HD are OK. I also have the Iplayer and Itvx problem, although I can access Iplayer by using the green go-to-start button on BBC2. I hope GJK gets an answer!

    | Wed 4 Sep 2024 18:44:57 #19 |
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    I've had a reply from Humax they're working on a fix regarding black screens we've just got to wait for them to fix the bug and roll the new update out

    | Wed 4 Sep 2024 18:52:23 #20 |

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