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Latest update has crippled 4000T

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    Martin Liddle

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    Mcmad - 1 hour ago  » 

    No idea where the 052 software came from.

    It will have come over the Internet; it appears to be a staged roll out so not all users will have it installed yet. When I checked yesterday it wasn't available for my box.

    One final thought; I take it you have tried the age old remedy of turning the mains power to the box off for a minute?

    | Mon 20 Jul 2020 13:19:55 #11 |
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    Martin Liddle - 59 mins ago  » One final thought; I take it you have tried the age old remedy of turning the mains power to the box off for a minute?

    Though, as I mentioned above, that could well install 052 again.

    | Mon 20 Jul 2020 14:20:24 #12 |
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    Left the box unp,Yggdrasil for a while and it now seems back to normal but have left disconnected from the internet to avoid any repeat issues.

    | Mon 20 Jul 2020 15:11:03 #13 |
  4. grahamlthompson


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    A1944 - 1 hour ago  » 

    Martin Liddle - 59 mins ago  » One final thought; I take it you have tried the age old remedy of turning the mains power to the box off for a minute?

    Though, as I mentioned above, that could well install 052 again.

    A bit confused. Nothing the OP has done will have changed the software version he has. As it's the newest why would it be installed on a box that already has it ?

    | Mon 20 Jul 2020 15:25:41 #14 |
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    Graham, I downloaded 051 onto a USB and it let me install that as an update. I’ve checked and I am back running 051 not 052. Will leave it a while before I connect back to the internet and try 052 again

    | Mon 20 Jul 2020 15:35:10 #15 |
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    I think it must be a limited roll-out. I powered my 4000T down and rebooted and even checked for new software and I am still on 051 from 2019.

    | Mon 20 Jul 2020 15:44:10 #16 |
  7. grahamlthompson


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    JohnH77 - 17 mins ago  » 
    I think it must be a limited roll-out. I powered my 4000T down and rebooted and even checked for new software and I am still on 051 from 2019.

    There's a post on the other thread that says everyone will have it by next Wednesday 22nd July after a chat with Humax. It's not clear if that's all 4000 and 5000 boxes. Seems likely

    Edit - Watch this space I will post what happens to my 5000T.

    I use a 4K firestick for on demand and media playback. It has a number of advantages especially for playback of 24p content.

    | Mon 20 Jul 2020 16:04:20 #17 |
  8. grahamlthompson


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    JohnH77 - 5 hours ago  » 

    That is certainly what I would try but as I said earlier you need to disconnect it from the Internet otherwise it will just update again.

    Does an update happen at a specified time as it did with OTA updates - 3am? 4am?
    If so connect it through a timer to power it off when the update is applied ... and don't chuck out the version on the usb stick!

    No all updates are now delivered via the internet. This allows Humax to phase the updates.

    The DTG stopped OTA updates a while ago. Other than USB downloads IP delivered updates is the only option.

    | Mon 20 Jul 2020 17:11:23 #18 |

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