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Lip sync issues?

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    Joined: Jan '18
    Posts: 305


    Anyone experiencing lip sync issues on freeview channels? I think I have on bbc1 & bbc2 but not others. But then how can you have it on some but not all freeview channels?

    | Fri 27 Nov 2020 20:54:10 #1 |
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    Posts: 305


    My setup is as follows...humax aura connected to my LG 4K TV. I have an LG blu ray 5.1 surround sound system (I don’t use it for playing discs anymore and have it connected to my tv via the hdmi arc on the tv and also have the tv connected to the surround sound using optical cable so I can enjoy 5.1 sound either via hdmi or optical, when I watch anything on my tv). No matter what lip syncing I tried, e.g. on the Tv, the aura or the Bly ray player I could not get bbc channels to lip sync. So what I’ve now done is connect the aura to my blu ray player using optical cable. Works! Previous bbc channels with lip sync issues are fine. Must have been some processing my tv was doing before sending to the Blu ray player was maybe causing the issue?

    | Sun 29 Nov 2020 20:27:12 #2 |
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    Joined: Dec '17
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    Lip sync sometimes goes wrong at the broadcast end.

    The other day I noticed it with the regional weather on BBC London, but as soon as they went back to the newsreader, it was fine.

    | Sun 29 Nov 2020 22:24:23 #3 |

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