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Losing signal on HDR-FoxT2

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    We have been having problems since mid April with this box.

    We will be watching a programme. Then a message flashes up on screen saying that there is no signal being received on this channel. It does this for various amounts of time. We quite often go to tv and watch there. Come back in 10 mins or so and the signal is back.

    We had thought of re-tuning the machine. What makes it more curious is that:

    When the signal is lost the remote freezes as well and we are not able to change channel.

    The box also seems to freeze and it isn't possible to move up and down channels from the box.

    It is not recording or recording only partial programmes as it looks as if the signal is being lost.

    I have been able on occasion to change channel and get the EPG up after the signal lost message appears then it frees.

    Quite often when we have re-booted the box we can then get into the media portal to view recordings.

    We have deleted quite a few. Only a few at a time due to it freezing then as well and we have disc space available.

    We do have two other boxes I think 9200. These have had intermittent problems where I have had to re-boot as they hung up but no other real issues and not having to re-boot these on a regular basis.

    Does anybody have any idea what could be causing this? The loss of signal alone I could understand and would re-tune. But the other things along with it make it more complicated.

    Any help would be appreciated.



    | Fri 3 Jun 2016 14:29:58 #1 |
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    Martin Liddle

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    Beanqueen - 20 hours ago  » 
    We will be watching a programme. Then a message flashes up on screen saying that there is no signal being received on this channel. It does this for various amounts of time. We quite often go to tv and watch there. Come back in 10 mins or so and the signal is back.
    We had thought of re-tuning the machine. What makes it more curious is that:
    When the signal is lost the remote freezes as well and we are not able to change channel.
    The box also seems to freeze and it isn't possible to move up and down channels from the box.
    It is not recording or recording only partial programmes as it looks as if the signal is being lost.

    It is an unusual problem. The first thing to try would be to try a reset to default settings (which will also force a retune). If that doesn't fix the problem then I would suggest installing the custom firmware and looking at the health of the hard drive using the Diagnostics>Hard drive function see Link to custom firmware

    | Sat 4 Jun 2016 10:53:31 #2 |

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