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Lost BBC1HD epg after retune

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    I retuned my FVP 5000T a few weeks ago, when regional BBC news went HD. Since then, there is no programme information on BBC101 HD: ever. Channel 001, the SD channel, has full information. And sometimes other channels lose their information,too (though that's temporary). Any advice, please? It's a nuisance. I have tried retuning several times to no avail.

    | Sun 25 Jun 2023 14:01:28 #1 |
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    Was it a "SMART" retune? SMART retunes won;t work on the FVP-5000T for the type of change this was.

    Martin Liddle - 1 mnth ago  » 

    chrissiegibson - 20 mins ago  » 
    Is there anyway I can get that back to 101 on my EPG. My transmitter is Winter Hill?

    An automatic tune with the "Smart tune" option off (this will delete your schedule of future recordings) should resolve the problem.

    | Sun 25 Jun 2023 15:50:55 #2 |
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    I expect that you will find that there is a duplicate BBC1 HD somewhere in the high numbers (800+) with the EPG displayed.

    You need to delete both versions (101 and the 800+) and then do a manual tune of the BBC-B Mux to get things back in step.

    You will lose any programming you have for any HD channels, so take photos of your Schedule first as you will have to reinstate parts of it.

    If you are able to say which transmitter you are using, we can let you know which UHF Channel you will need for the manual retune.

    | Mon 26 Jun 2023 22:19:26 #3 |
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    Thought I would just add my input I suddenly lost bbc1 hd on winter hill transmitter Manchester area,I had recently retuned after the changes and all was well for a couple of weeks.The solution for me also was a none smart retune.Smart didn't solve

    | Wed 28 Jun 2023 10:41:00 #4 |

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