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lost 'on demand'

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    They may be able to do something, but I don't know if they can.
    Obviously your TV & pc's will go straight onto an unstable internet connection and then start to freeze up or loose the connection after a while.
    where as, the 5000t needs it to be just a little more stable.
    Just a tiny internet improvement can make all the difference.

    | Tue 31 Oct 2017 20:10:08 #11 |
  2. HughieDad


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    I'm no expert, but I would hope data and settings would be stored on the machine (buffered) so they remained available during any short drop-outs. Assuming a continuous connection seems unwise.

    The machine has crashed (twice) for the first time, today, but I'll find/start a new thread for that.

    | Tue 31 Oct 2017 22:28:34 #12 |
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    David Briggs

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    I had a similar problem with my year-and-a-bit old FVP4000T a few days ago. All of the On Demand service icons went grey and it was not possible to play any previous programmes from the Programme Guide.

    The day it first happened, I had been using the iPlayer and Demand 5 successfully, although there have been several occasions in the last week when Demand 5 had exited for one reason or another. The FVP says the network cable is connected.

    Switching into Standby and back on again had no effect, but disconnecting the power and forcing a cold reboot did work.

    I have recently added a ASUS 1200 Powerline connection for both the Humax and the LG TV. Both are wired to the Access Point with 3m gigabit flat cables. The TV browser reports the speed as over 60Mbps, which is only slightly slower than the fibre-to-the-cabinet speed I get on a directly-wired PC.

    The Powerline connection is not completely stable as both TV and FVP report a couple of network cable disconnected / reconnected events a day (when I'm watching live TV or a recording). It is not marginal though, and the TV's iPlayer and Demand 5 are much happier than they were previously on a slow 2Mbps WiFi connection.

    | Sun 5 Nov 2017 11:07:58 #13 |


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    If the power-line device is the PL-AC56 or has power saving features the 'disconnects' are probably due to the power saving features.

    "Power-saving standby
    Unlike traditional adapters that are always fully powered, PL-AC56 Kit has a clever standby mode that detects whether connected devices have been switched off or are inactive. If that happens, PL-AC56 goes into a low-power mode that reduces power consumption by 80%1. This helps you save money on power bills, and is also kinder to the environment."

    | Sun 5 Nov 2017 12:57:56 #14 |
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    David Briggs

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    Thanks for that. It is a PL-AC56 and it could be power-saving, because I think I left that on. However, it isn't saving much power because it's only down for a few seconds at a time!

    | Mon 6 Nov 2017 9:56:49 #15 |
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    Mine disappears on a regular basis, only reconnecting with a power reboot.
    getting really annoying now!

    The cheap Chinese batteries supplied didn't last long either, must have been for demo purposes...

    | Mon 1 Jan 2018 11:38:59 #16 |
  7. HughieDad


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    Do you have an unstable internet connection? My PLAYER icons go blank after an ISP glitch. Oddly, if I click on the blank box where BBC i-player normally shows, it still loads the player!

    | Mon 1 Jan 2018 11:48:34 #17 |
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    I have no problems with my internet I have a computer permanently on and is stable and have 35meg download speed, I've tried
    LAN and it still does it, since my post and now - guess what! It's saying
    freeview play currently unavailable.
    I have a NOW TV box that stays connected to the network.

    Maybe I have a faulty unit, but all the apps work when freeview play

    | Mon 1 Jan 2018 11:58:32 #18 |
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    I know this is an old post but I'm one who regularly loses on demand from the guide and the search doesn't pick up on demand programs.
    Cold power off/on fixes the problem every time - temporarily. Anyone come across any fixes or explanations beyond 'iffy internet'?

    | Wed 18 Dec 2019 19:43:16 #19 |
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    Martin Liddle

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    flang - 1 hour ago  » 
    Cold power off/on fixes the problem every time - temporarily. Anyone come across any fixes or explanations beyond 'iffy internet'?

    One fix that has helped several people is to change the Network settings to use a fixed IP address and set the DNS address to be either your ISP's DNS server or a third party DNS server. I use OpenDNS which is and or Google which is and The critical thing is that the DNS address should not be your router.

    | Wed 18 Dec 2019 21:40:25 #20 |

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