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Lost the 'Record' option on Humax PVR 9300T

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    Posts: 11



    I'm wondering if anybody can help me please.

    I have the Humax PVR 9300-T and I can no longer access the 'Record' option. On my TV screen the only options are:
    - Preferences
    - Edit Channels
    - Installation
    - Systems
    - Games

    When I scroll through them the 'Record' option does not appear.

    As the 'Record' option does not appear I presume that must mean my hard disk drive has broken and cannot be accessed and it's time to buy a new PVR recorder?

    If that is the case I'd be very grateful for PVR recommendations. I've always been very happy with the Humax PVR-9300T and would like something easy to use. I also wish to have something that would be compatible with the Nikkai 5.8Ghz video sender/receiver that I have as I use it to receive the TV channels on two old portable televisions I have in my house.

    Very grateful for any advice.

    Thank you

    | Fri 16 Oct 2020 16:44:52 #1 |
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    Martin Liddle

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    When I scroll through them the 'Record' option does not appear.
    As the 'Record' option does not appear I presume that must mean my hard disk drive has broken and cannot be accessed and it's time to buy a new PVR recorder?

    Either the hard drive is dead as you suggest or the file system is in a strange state. I suggest you try formatting the drive from the HDD Control menu item in the record menu. If that fails then the hard drive is probably dead. You could consider changing the hard drive which isn't difficult.

    If that is the case I'd be very grateful for PVR recommendations. I've always been very happy with the Humax PVR-9300T and would like something easy to use. I also wish to have something that would be compatible with the Nikkai 5.8Ghz video sender/receiver that I have as I use it to receive the TV channels on two old portable televisions I have in my house.

    The Humax options are not particularly impressive at the moment but if you want to stay with Humax then a reconditioned HDR-2000T or a new or reconditioned FVP-5000T might fit the bill. I have a growing doubt about how committed Humax are to the PVR market going forward. Alternatively consider the Manhattan T3-R who seem to be committed to developing their box.

    | Fri 16 Oct 2020 17:51:47 #2 |
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    Unfortunately Martin, Chorlton said that there was no record menu so, unless the formatting option is actually somewhere else, your idea cannot be done.

    | Fri 16 Oct 2020 17:57:47 #3 |
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    Thank you Martin and yes A1944 you are correct I do not have the 'record' option. I am now working on the assumption I need to buy a new PVR.

    Thank you Martin for suggesting the Manhattan T3-R PVR which from the reviews looks good however I can see it does not have a Scart option at the back of the PVR.

    My Nikkai sender requires a scart socket so it can go into the back of the PVR. Do you know of any good PVRs that have a scart socket at the back in order that I can send a signal from my main TV so that I can still watch TV on my two old portable televisions?

    Thank you again for your help it really is appreciated.

    | Fri 16 Oct 2020 18:11:21 #4 |
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    Actually I'm probably better posting my question on a separate thread. Thanks again to you both for your help.

    | Fri 16 Oct 2020 18:49:42 #5 |

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