My Humax Forum » Freesat HD » HDR 1000, 1010, 1100S

Missing Digit

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    I have an 1100S. It is 1 year old. Recently, when I key in a channel number on the remote, the TV display shows the number with the last digit missing. Example: if I key in 101, the TV display shows 10, if I key in 163, it comes up as 16. The box does go to the correct channel, however, but I would, nevertheless, like to know where that missing digit has got to? Is there a fix?

    | Fri 3 Mar 2017 22:57:11 #1 |
  2. Barry


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    Same for everyone, it is not a problem with your unit, affects all versions of HDR 1***S

    | Fri 3 Mar 2017 23:08:28 #2 |
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    Hi egal, I asked this question about 2 years ago,the same thing happens on my 1000s.It doesn't cause any hassle but I was like yourself curious as to why there is a digit missing.

    | Fri 3 Mar 2017 23:10:21 #3 |
  4. grahamlthompson


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    DaveE - 10 hours ago  » 
    Hi egal, I asked this question about 2 years ago,the same thing happens on my 1000s.It doesn't cause any hassle but I was like yourself curious as to why there is a digit missing.

    It speeds up the channel change, once the last digit is entered there is no point in putting it on screen.

    | Sat 4 Mar 2017 10:00:18 #4 |
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    "Is there a fix ?"

    I've never really seen this as something that needs fixing, as Graham says it's faster. Why delay the channel change so users can see what keypad digit they just pressed.
    I suppose they could of added a conformation pop up, you have selected channel 101 press Yes to change No to cancel. I'm sure that would of been really popular

    | Sat 4 Mar 2017 10:27:09 #5 |
  6. grahamlthompson


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    Reffub - 4 hours ago  » 
    "Is there a fix ?"
    I've never really seen this as something that needs fixing, as Graham says it's faster. Why delay the channel change so users can see what keypad digit they just pressed.
    I suppose they could of added a conformation pop up, you have selected channel 101 press Yes to change No to cancel. I'm sure that would of been really popular

    You would have to add a small delay to let the button pusher even see the digit. Suspect there is also a OK auto generated as well.

    | Sat 4 Mar 2017 14:36:48 #6 |
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    Yeh well, just curious thats all.

    | Sat 4 Mar 2017 20:01:20 #7 |
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    I'm guessing they just go off into the aether.

    | Sun 5 Mar 2017 9:14:43 #8 |
  9. Biggles


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    Panasonic have a much better idea, the channel changes immediately on the 3rd digit thereby eliminating any delay but the channel number stays on screen for a second or two. Best of both worlds.

    | Sun 5 Mar 2017 20:53:22 #9 |
  10. grahamlthompson


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    Biggles - 22 minutes ago  » 
    Panasonic have a much better idea, the channel changes immediately on the 3rd digit thereby eliminating any delay but the channel number stays on screen for a second or two. Best of both worlds.

    Why do you need to see the number ? The channel you finish up on says it all

    Hardly much better, after all, if you press the wrong number there is nothing you can do about it till the box changes channel.

    My comment re the OK is based on previous Humax boxes that have custom firmware and also those that do not used with programmeable remote controls. Basically if you programme a macro with the channel number plus a OK the channel change (also works in the epg to rapidly change the epg focus) works much faster than simply entering the numbers.

    | Sun 5 Mar 2017 21:23:18 #10 |

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