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missing end of recordings

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    Hi All,

    I seem to have a similar issue to the thread I am based in the UK and have a Humax HDR-1100S. Recordings were getting full, up to the low 90s due to me having a long series link set and not watching the TV that much. I therefore decided I would delete a few of the recordings and got it down to low 80s. Then the recording and playback issues started. It kept missing a few minutes off of a recording. Also it would sometimes just drop out of play back and if you tried to play immediately it would hang. Hitting search gained back control. Then trying play again it would say recording not supported format. If you restarted the box and went to play it again, sometimes it would hang but if you fast forwarded past the part you had an issue with it would most likely play to the end. Anyway, I decided to reset to factory, recording still randomly end too short. 2 mins long recording out of a 120 minute program (vera ITV HD), 35 minutes out of 60 and then the next 1 hour scheduled recording is fine (MOTD BBC1 HD). I also reformatted the drive as well but its still the same.

    SW version UKSFAA 3.01.01
    Loader version 1.09
    Updated May lat year

    If the drive is dying can I replace it (will it rebuild on its own)?

    Any other ideas or is it toast?


    | Mon 16 Jan 2023 16:16:19 #1 |
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    Hello dodgy1,

    Welcome to the forum. You could replace drive, Humax will automatically format drive with its partitions etc, but it won't rebuild lost recordings. I would watch recordings first if you decide to upgrade drive. It won't cure the unsupported bug that happens. I noticed that if your box records the same programme on say 2 channels at same time. Eg BBC 1 hd and also BBC 1 Wales hd, if you delete one, you can't watch other. The PVR seems to introduce a bug somewhere. My guess is drive fat has got corrupted. So maybe just do a full reformat of your existing drive and test this first? John L

    | Tue 17 Jan 2023 12:20:25 #2 |
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    Hi jdlfreetime,

    Many thanks for the detail regarding the automatic rebuild of the drive, very helpful to know. I have already done the quick format of the drive using the system settings menu so no recordings to worry about. I'll pull the drive and connect it upto one of my PCs (Linux or Windoze) I was thinking it might have some media errors or file system corruption. I could do a full format too.

    I'll try it this weekend and provide some feed back on the results. Worst case then is to replace the drive which I can probably "borrow" from one of the machines I have around. I am guessing that the max supported capacity is around 2TB?



    | Tue 17 Jan 2023 23:14:31 #3 |
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    Martin Liddle

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    dodgy1 - 10 hours ago  » 
    I'll pull the drive and connect it upto one of my PCs (Linux or Windoze) I was thinking it might have some media errors or file system corruption. I could do a full format too.

    I would connect the drive to a Linux computer and first of all look at the SMART data for the drive (post it here for help in interpreting it) and then try running Linux file system repair tools and see what is reported.

    Worst case then is to replace the drive which I can probably "borrow" from one of the machines I have around. I am guessing that the max supported capacity is around 2TB?

    In the short term any SATA hard drive you have will do for testing; ideally a long term replacement should be a drive designed for PVR usage. You are correct that 2TB is the upper limit.

    | Wed 18 Jan 2023 9:34:10 #4 |
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    Hi All,

    Here is an update on the "missing end of recording issue". I removed the drive and connected to a linux computer. It saw no errors and loaded the ext3 file systems fine, not even a file system scan. There are 3 partitions on the drive. I had an issue with networking so I could not download the S.M.A.R.T package so I decided to just repartition the drive and blow the data on the disk away. I basically installed a fresh linux system on the whole drive. I then put the drive back into the Humax unit. I powered it on, went into settings and reformatted the drive. All worked fine. I have since recorded a number of programs without issue meaning recording to the end of the program. I tried recording a program I was watching and "series link" type programming all worked fine. Hopefully that is the end of it.

    Cheers all


    | Thu 26 Jan 2023 21:58:17 #5 |

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