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missing "record" button on menu

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    Martin Liddle

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    Harold - 1 hour ago  » 
    My reasoning is that a new software installation would be as a new unit, this would automatically have the record icon in the main menue.

    Your reasoning seems to completely exclude the possibility that the hard drive is broken which remains the most likely possibility. Given that you would in all probability be overwriting the existing software with an identical copy then I completely fail to understand how you think this "would be like a new machine". You would be closer to a new machine by doing a reset to default settings from the Installation Menu without reloading the software.

    I confess that when I bought this unit I cannot remember how the original setup was conducted, did it format the hdd at that time or was it already formatted?

    It should have already been formatted.

    If it automatically formats the drive, then I need to find another way of accessing certain recordings.

    I give up. You either don't read what I write or think I don't know what I am talking about. I will not waste my time further as you obviously feel you know far more about this subject than the rest of us. Good luck.

    | Thu 2 Apr 2015 18:32:07 #11 |

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