My Humax Forum » Freeview HD » FVP 4000T, 5000T

Missing Sound & Unrequested Subtitles

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    I have started to get used to the many failings of the FVP-4000T but the list does seem to keep growing. My latest issues / features now include frequently finding that on switching out of standby I have no sound (rectified by pulling the plug for a hard reset) and the startup channel having subtitles on (rectified by simply turning over the channel and then switching back). Has anyone else seen these and found a solution? Hopefully something better than putting a timer plug on the power supply. Note I have already setup the power on/off timers for each morning and should really not have to find work arounds for these basic software flaws. Very disappointing given the previously excellent HDR-Fox T2.

    | Fri 19 Jul 2019 21:32:16 #1 |
  2. grahamlthompson


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    RobK - 7 mins ago  » 
    I have started to get used to the many failings of the FVP-4000T but the list does seem to keep growing. My latest issues / features now include frequently finding that on switching out of standby I have no sound (rectified by pulling the plug for a hard reset) and the startup channel having subtitles on (rectified by simply turning over the channel and then switching back). Has anyone else seen these and found a solution? Hopefully something better than putting a timer plug on the power supply. Note I have already setup the power on/off timers for each morning and should really not have to find work arounds for these basic software flaws. Very disappointing given the previously excellent HDR-Fox T2.

    What do you use for the audio. A TV, soundbar or a AV receiver. When you lose the audio was the box tuned to a HD channel ? If you change to a SD channel before shutting down is the sound OK on boot as it returns to the same channel ?

    If a TV what's the make and model.

    | Fri 19 Jul 2019 21:43:29 #2 |
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    If you have a timer switch on/off set for every morning to refresh the EPG, is the volume set to zero, meaning that it is still zero when you come out of standby later in the day?

    | Fri 19 Jul 2019 21:48:25 #3 |
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    Audio is via the HDMI to the TV (Samsung UE43MU6100). This feature wasn't a problem originally and not sure when it started, may have been after the last update. It is not HD channel related as I very rarely ever use them.

    | Fri 19 Jul 2019 21:48:30 #4 |
  5. grahamlthompson


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    RobK - 34 mins ago  » 
    Audio is via the HDMI to the TV (Samsung UE43MU6100). This feature wasn't a problem originally and not sure when it started, may have been after the last update. It is not HD channel related as I very rarely ever use them.

    Using the Humax remote turn down the box volume when watching a SD channel. Turn down the TV volume and then turn up the box volume to near max. Turn up the TV volume to a normal level. Ignore the above post on any timer set the box volume to max (heaven knows why this was posted). The problem is likely not related to the box rather the way your TV handles Dolby Digital Audio. Your HDR-FOX-T2 has one menu options for Dolby-Digital audio output, the FVP-5000T has two one for each of the two digital audio outputs. HDMI and optical.

    Next while viewing the FVP-5000T output. Press the FVP button and select settings - OK. Press right and down 3 times to audio and press OK. Press down once to HDMI and the right and the up to select the stereo option. Press exit.

    Now while viewing both HD and SD channels check for similar volume levels.

    In future use your TV remote to vary the volume or setup your remote to control the TV volume not the box by inputting the code for your TV and press the AV button before using the supplied remote volume up/down button.

    You may have auto power on/off options that undo this setting. If you have that's why you need to change the volume option to the same near max setting. That's why the above information is exactly the opposite of what you should do.

    The box remembers the last manually or auto set level.

    If you do a factory reset you will need to redo the above as it restores the defaults of

    HDMI out to Dolby Digital

    Default Volume to 50%.

    | Fri 19 Jul 2019 22:41:28 #5 |
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    grahamlthompson - 7 hours ago  » Ignore the above post on any timer set the box volume to max (heaven knows why this was posted).

    If this refers to my post, I was not suggesting that the daily EPG timer should be set to zero, just wondering if it was by mistake.

    | Sat 20 Jul 2019 6:36:31 #6 |
  7. prking


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    A1944 - 9 mins ago  » 

    grahamlthompson - 7 hours ago  » Ignore the above post on any timer set the box volume to max (heaven knows why this was posted).

    If this refers to my post, I was not suggesting that the daily EPG timer should be set to zero, just wondering if it was by mistake.

    I agree, it's easy to overlook the volume setting when setting up the power on off timer.

    | Sat 20 Jul 2019 6:46:44 #7 |
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    I always have my Humax sound set on Maximum & use the TV remote to alter the actual delivering of the volume.
    This way there is no change of volume when you switch between your TV Tuners
    & your Humax to watch.

    | Sat 20 Jul 2019 7:33:42 #8 |

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