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Moving recorded programs

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    I've been slowly moving things to a USB 3 hdd via USB 3 cable.
    Even then, some things don't move, some things copy onto the original hdd etc.

    Now, I got up this morning to no audio !!!!!!!
    I've done the usual - unplug etc - to no avail.

    It looks like i'll have to forget about the recordings and reformat - what a performance on such a new machine.

    Any idea's on loss of sound before I throw it out the window ?

    | Thu 29 Sep 2016 10:16:04 #11 |
  2. Barry


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    No audio on tv, recordings, both?

    TV not muted per chance?

    Doubt a reformat would help audio problem.

    | Thu 29 Sep 2016 11:24:48 #12 |
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    I did a re-tune, checked all connections etc, un-plugged it for 30 mins and tried again.
    This time, all seems well.
    I'm going to invest in a 5m usb lead to see if its quicker than the external hdd.
    I don't record things to,,,, to dispose of 'em.
    Thanks guys for your help so far.


    | Thu 29 Sep 2016 12:07:44 #13 |
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    Not an expert on copying to external devices (have tried both USB stick and external HDD) but from my experience the extreme slowness seems to be down to the Humax itself not the external device (presumably it is slow due to having to decode the file prior to copy ?).

    | Thu 29 Sep 2016 12:20:31 #14 |
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    Martin Liddle

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    furkin - 4 hours ago  » 
    I'm going to invest in a 5m usb lead to see if its quicker than the external hdd.

    What are you hoping to do with a 5m USB lead?

    | Thu 29 Sep 2016 16:36:37 #15 |
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    Sorry Martin,
    I'm hoping that connecting the humax directly to the PC might speed things up.
    If it wasn't still under warranty, i'd take the hdd out and connect it to the pc that way,,,,, but still don't know if it would be faster.
    When copying similar files from other machines/hdd's, they all seem quicker than this machine.
    Maybe i'll ask Humax if I can take the hdd out ?!

    | Fri 30 Sep 2016 11:02:08 #16 |
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    Martin Liddle

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    furkin - 10 hours ago  » 
    I'm hoping that connecting the humax directly to the PC might speed things up.

    In my opinion that has absolutely zero chance of working.

    | Fri 30 Sep 2016 21:21:41 #17 |

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