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Multiple problems with 5000T 1TB

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    Good afternoon,

    I have this connected to my TV and generally watch the TV with the box in standby. Every 25 mins or so, my TV says there is no signal. This lasts for about 5 seconds and the picture returns. Box is on standby, power saving OFF.

    Next issue is that I like to record films. I recorded a popular Bruce Lee film last night. The recording was split in 2 as it shows the news headlines for 30 seconds inbetween. This recorded correctly, but then it is also scheduled the same recording in about 4 days.

    In addition, recordings disappear. I recorded a couple of things one evening a few days ago, but when I came home from work, they had vanished.

    Lastly, it is unbelievably loud when not in use. It sounds as though a fan has a wire stuck in it. Its not all the time, but it is noticeable.

    This is my first humax I have owned, and I am disappointed with it up to now.

    Can anyone advise further.

    Thank you.

    | Tue 12 Apr 2022 12:13:08 #1 |
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    bouncingscreech - 28 mins ago  » 
    Good afternoon,
    I have this connected to my TV and generally watch the TV with the box in standby. Every 25 mins or so, my TV says there is no signal. This lasts for about 5 seconds and the picture returns. Box is on standby, power saving OFF.

    Check your connections, don't use a cheap nasty patch lead between box and TV, better still buy a splitter and feed the two devices separately instead of looping through.

    Next issue is that I like to record films. I recorded a popular Bruce Lee film last night. The recording was split in 2 as it shows the news headlines for 30 seconds inbetween. This recorded correctly, but then it is also scheduled the same recording in about 4 days.

    This isn't a problem, it's because some channels assign the same identification code to all instances that a programme is broadcast (especially the SD movie channels that show the same film multiple times).

    In addition, recordings disappear. I recorded a couple of things one evening a few days ago, but when I came home from work, they had vanished.

    Possible but unlikely. They are possibly now labelled as something different. ie, Storyville documentaries/films all end up in the same "folder" but it will be renamed to that of the most recent episode each time. Go into the list and they will all be individually named.

    Lastly, it is unbelievably loud when not in use. It sounds as though a fan has a wire stuck in it. Its not all the time, but it is noticeable.

    Could be anything.

    This is my first humax I have owned, and I am disappointed with it up to now.
    Can anyone advise further.
    Thank you.

    | Tue 12 Apr 2022 12:48:56 #2 |
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    Re the noise, that is not normal with the 5000T. I have mine in a room which is very quiet and cannot hear any mechanical sound from it.

    | Tue 12 Apr 2022 13:58:04 #3 |
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    I might have solved the 1st problem. Remote recording was enabled. I have changed the hours to overnight so hopefully that should help.

    Regarding recordings disappearing. They definitely disappeared as they were the only recordings I had.

    I will keep you all updated.

    Thank you everyone.

    | Tue 12 Apr 2022 16:02:42 #4 |
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    Compared to my 4000T, my 5000T is definitely noisier with a fair amount of clicking going on sometimes.

    | Tue 12 Apr 2022 16:35:13 #5 |
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    If your 5000T is anything like mine the plastic casing seems to vibrate and make a hell of a noise. Sometimes giving the case a light tap at various points on the top surface stops it (for a short while). I've tried putting a paperweight on mine. In the right place it stops the noise. Then a bit later the blessed thing decides to vibrate in a different place and I have to move or remove the paperweight. Poor build quality! The clicking is probably down to disk access. The 5000T seems to access the disk more often (and with more noise) than previous models.

    Missing recordings: Either the box crashed and the recording never took place; the programme wasn't broadcast; or as SSThing says the programme may be hidden in a "folder". Tedious, but check every recording that has multiple episodes and see if it is listed in there.

    | Tue 12 Apr 2022 16:57:31 #6 |
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    SSThing - 2 days ago  » 

    bouncingscreech - 28 mins ago »
    Next issue is that I like to record films. I recorded a popular Bruce Lee film last night. The recording was split in 2 as it shows the news headlines for 30 seconds inbetween. This recorded correctly, but then it is also scheduled the same recording in about 4 days.

    This isn't a problem, it's because some channels assign the same identification code to all instances that a programme is broadcast (especially the SD movie channels that show the same film multiple times).

    It is the fault of the Humax software that the scheduled event is persistent.
    This bug is in the Humax software of multiple Humax freeview recorders.

    Repeats of split programme, on the same channel, should be able to have the same identification code. What a freeview PVR should do is to stop recording subsequent spits when part of the split programme with the same identification details does not occur within 3 hours of the end of the most recent part that has been recorded. Once 3 hours has passed without a further part, freeview PVRs should delete the event from the schedule so that no more events are recorded.

    The d-book states that two events that have the same CRID, and IMI, value then they must not be treated as a single item of content if there is a three hour gap or more. What this means is that broadcasters are permitted to use the same split identifiers for repeats providing at least 3 hours is going to lapse between the schedule end time of the last part of the original transmission and the start of the first part of the repeat.

    The fault lies with the humax in not taking account that for shows marked as split (i.e. the programme CRID includes an IMI), where there is a gap of 3 hours, the recorder should not be treating them as part of the same single item of content.

    | Fri 15 Apr 2022 13:42:07 #7 |
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    Luke, I am sure you are absolutely correct but a poorly designed/implemented operating system isn't a faulty box and it isn't really a problem, it's an annoyance at worst.

    | Fri 15 Apr 2022 16:13:10 #8 |

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