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My Humax has the incorrect date for recording!

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    My Humax FVF5000 occasionally says that it is going to record a program one day early. Tonight, it is Extraordinary Extensions, on channel 4, at 9pm -but that is tomorrow! It has done it on channel 20 Drama, with The Last Detective, a couple of weeks ago. Can't remember the other occasions.
    Also, I am getting incomplete recordings. A film that ended at 62 minutes, a one hour serial that ended at about 45 minutes, & last Sunday, Auto Mundial, that only lasted 3 minutes. Nothing else was being recorded then.

    | Tue 9 Nov 2021 18:35:07 #1 |
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    The Tower, on ITV over three nights this week. It has recorded ep1&2, not recording ep3 tonight! Couldn't set the 9pm slot, or the plus 1 channel at 10pm ch34, but managed to set a recording for 23.40.

    | Wed 10 Nov 2021 8:32:41 #2 |
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    Where are you looking at this information?

    I have highlighted (in a thread ages ago) that there is often (on series linked programmes) a discrepancy between the EPG and the "recordings" page (that should show actual recordings and upcoming scheduled.
    And if one shows the schedule is set but the other doesn't, trying "set" the missing episode to record is impossible without first cancelling the series link and then resetting the schedule.

    | Wed 10 Nov 2021 10:37:12 #3 |
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    Thank you SSThing.
    The Humax does some odd things. If I have just switched on, it will sometimes switch off when I press another button.
    It is without doubt the most problematic Humax that we have ever owned. (And it has been replaced once, by Humax)

    Your answer will be most helpful, as I often "can't" set a future recording, when I think that it has been missed off the series link.

    | Wed 10 Nov 2021 10:48:41 #4 |
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    Now it has missed the last 15 min or so off "Hacker", so I have done a factory reset. I hope this ends the current problems.

    | Fri 19 Nov 2021 16:40:32 #6 |

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