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FVP 4000T trial

(82 posts)
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    special member
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    I have now installed the test software and it installed fine and the Humax still works so those concerned it might get "bricked" should not be worried. The box does not lose any recordings but the recording schedule was deleted.

    It did catch me out with a question about Network, which I thought meant WiFi network, but actually lead to it doing an Automatic Tune of stations.

    That is about as much as I am prepared to state here ...

    Barry: Is the private area open now for discussions about it?

    | Tue 5 Apr 2016 16:23:41 #51 |
  2. Barry


    senior admin
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    I have installed well over a hundred beta versions on different Humax units and never has one been bricked.

    John, Check PM's

    | Tue 5 Apr 2016 17:07:13 #52 |
  3. Chris...K


    Joined: Mar '16
    Posts: 12


    I've installed the software
    Didn't delete the schedule at all
    I notice there is no settings menu which is a problem?
    Recordings library screen note has smaller/more icons on which makes bit better use of my 50"screen
    My recordings are defaulting to subtitles on (have to switch them on/off with the remote)

    | Wed 6 Apr 2016 5:51:58 #53 |
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    Chris...K - 1 hour ago  » 
    Recordings library screen note has smaller/more icons on which makes bit better use of my 50"screen

    What is special about your 50" screen?
    Or is it just that if it were a smaller, or larger, screen you would still watch it from the same distance?

    | Wed 6 Apr 2016 7:27:05 #54 |
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    The settings menu is still there - navigate to the cog icon in the top right hand corner of the Home screen.

    | Wed 6 Apr 2016 7:28:06 #55 |
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    junior member
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    Hi Folks,
    I know we are not supposed to discuss the specifics of the trial software here, but could anyone private message me to let me know if the Netflix app is working for them please? I'm having issues.

    | Wed 6 Apr 2016 7:30:13 #56 |
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    special member
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    If you have received the software from Humax, they will have given Barry your name, and he will have enabled you for the private area.

    If Barry hasn't done so yet, send him a PM.

    | Wed 6 Apr 2016 7:33:55 #57 |
  8. Barry


    senior admin
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    If you are on trial then PM me or check your PM's as I may have already given access to hidden area.

    No discussions to take place on open forum.

    | Wed 6 Apr 2016 7:35:38 #58 |
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    All signed up and installed, asked about hidden area.

    | Wed 6 Apr 2016 9:28:51 #59 |
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    new member
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    Posts: 2


    Hi, I am a new member to this forum and am interested in using this trial software on my FVP 4000T.

    I emailed a couple of days ago but have not yet received any response.

    Is there any other action I need to take? How long should I expect to wait for a response? Or is it simply that I have not been selected?

    Any answers would be greatly appreciated!

    | Thu 7 Apr 2016 21:08:33 #60 |

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