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New 2000T, or is it? Plus no output after waking.

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    Alan White

    Joined: Aug '12
    Posts: 47


    I've just bought from a well known online retailer a new 2000T to replace an aging 9300T. I already have a Foxsat HDR and another 2000T. The new 2000T arrived in a plain white box with the word GRADED on the label. Am I right in thinking that this is one of Humax's refurbished boxes and is therefore not the brand new one I was expecting and paid for?

    Secondly, it seems to have a fault whereby when it wakes up using the timer options it doesn't send any output from the HDMI port. Removing and replacing the HDMI connection will cause it to spring into life but obviously this is rather inconvenient. I'll experiment with different HDMI leads and ports on the TV but if it's not a new box it's going back regardless...

    I'm grateful for any thoughts.

    | Wed 4 May 2016 19:47:16 #1 |
  2. Barry


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    If I paid for a new unit and received this package, it would go back, faults or no faults.

    | Wed 4 May 2016 20:16:31 #2 |
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    Hundreds of posts about this issue if you do a search - make sure you're TV has CEC disabled.

    | Wed 4 May 2016 21:43:07 #3 |
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    Alan White

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    Thanks, both.

    I did, of course, search here and elsewhere but didn't find anything relating to these specific problems.

    Simplink (LG's CEC) is, and always has been, off in general settings and on in the sound settings because it's needed for the soundbar. I turned it off in the latter but it made no difference to the HDMI output problem. I have another 2000T connected to another LG TV (though a different model) and that wakes up fine.

    I'm going to return the "new" 2000T to the retailer for replacement on the basis that I've received a refurbished one not the new one I paid for. If the HDMI problem persists I'll investigate that in more detail then.

    | Thu 5 May 2016 11:13:25 #4 |
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    Alan White

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    Alan White - 22 hours ago  » 
    Simplink (LG's CEC) is, and always has been, off in general settings and on in the sound settings because it's needed for the soundbar.

    I was mistaken in this. It seems that on the LG 42LF652V the Simplink sound settings are linked to the Simplink general settings: if you turn on the former then it also turns on the latter.

    This means that I can't have the soundbar functionality (vol up/down, auto on/off) without also having CEC enabled for other devices. And that may be the problem with the 2000T, in which case this thread may be the solution. I'll find out when the replacement 2000T arrives.

    | Fri 6 May 2016 10:05:04 #5 |
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    Does your TV not have a 'secret menu'? I have a Panasonic TV and that has a 'secret menu' which allows you to disable the TV's internal speakers in favour or a soundbar or similar.

    | Fri 6 May 2016 10:30:09 #6 |
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    Alan White

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    It's not a secret menu but, yes, there are options to send the audio to a variety of places. That's not the issue: it's one of control. I need Simplink (CEC) on in order to benefit from the soundbar functionality but the suggestion is that it's Simplink, combined with the way Humax has implemented CEC on the 2000T, that causes problems.

    My plan, unless anyone thinks it won't work or has other suggestions, is when the new 2000T arrives and if it has the same problem then I'll buy the adaptor in the thread linked above. The reviews on that are variable but it's worth a try.

    | Sat 7 May 2016 9:26:43 #7 |
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    Fortunately I have Sonos which uses the TVs optical for the audio. That way all the user has to do is disable the TVs internal speaker and that is setup complete. It's not a cheap option but it does produce very nice sound.

    | Sat 7 May 2016 14:00:55 #8 |
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    Alan White

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    The replacement 2000T from the well-known online retailer arrived and was also in a plain white box labelled "graded" so that went back for a refund and I bought another direct from Humax.

    The latest one arrived in a retail box which was a good start but it has the same problem when waking up from timed sleep. I don't believe this is HDMI related and I'm diagnosing it to see exactly how to reproduce the problem.

    In the meantime it would be useful if any other 2000T owners could comment on whether their box wakes up properly when using timers to sleep and wake.

    | Sun 15 May 2016 11:10:43 #9 |
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    If I use the timer to wake up my 2000T, (example in time for the early evening news), then most times it would wake with no issues i.e. sound, picture available plus recorded programmes. However, about once a week/fortnight it would wake up (apparently no issues) until I tried to access my recordings.

    On occasions such as these no recorded programmes were available. The only solution then was a reboot. As a result of this I no longer use the timer. No problems with picture or audio though. I have never experienced any of these problems with ordinary operation i.e. no timer used.

    | Sun 15 May 2016 14:46:29 #10 |

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