My Humax Forum » Freeview HD » HDR 1800T, 2000T

New 2000T, or is it? Plus no output after waking.

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    Alan White

    Joined: Aug '12
    Posts: 47


    Thanks - that is interesting. I've noticed that on waking up from timed sleep not only is there sometimes no HDMI output but there's also no hard disk. That is, pressing the media button does nothing, and pressing pause or rewind does not pause or rewind live TV.

    This seems similar to your experience of "no recorded programmes were available".

    Like you, I've found that the solution is a reboot (simply off/on with the remote will do it).

    I'm beginning to suspect a software bug but surely I can't be the only one using timers to sleep/wake a 2000T. Actually I know I'm not, because in another room we have another 2000T which wakes perfectly happily using timers. My next diagnostic is therefore to swap the two units over and see where the symptoms go.

    | Mon 16 May 2016 15:20:09 #11 |
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    Alan White - 31 minutes ago  » 
    Thanks - that is interesting. I've noticed that on waking up from timed sleep not only is there sometimes no HDMI output but there's also no hard disk. That is, pressing the media button does nothing, and pressing pause or rewind does not pause or rewind live TV.
    This seems similar to your experience of "no recorded programmes were available".
    Like you, I've found that the solution is a reboot (simply off/on with the remote will do it).
    I'm beginning to suspect a software bug but surely I can't be the only one using timers to sleep/wake a 2000T. Actually I know I'm not, because in another room we have another 2000T which wakes perfectly happily using timers. My next diagnostic is therefore to swap the two units over and see where the symptoms go.

    Your issue is exactly the same as mine i.e. when I say no recorded programmes I mean there was no access when media button pressed or selecting video in menu, usually a grey circle with a line through it or sometimes just nothing. It only happens when the timer is used.

    I actually started a thread about this a few months ago but can't remember now if I got any replies. There is also the issue of it kicking you out of iPlayer soon after you start watching. Again this is another known issue and others have experienced it.

    Found the thread - no replies -

    | Mon 16 May 2016 15:55:48 #12 |

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