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New FVP 4000T software version 1.02.13

(53 posts)
  1. Barry


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    Had you watched any of todays or last nights recordings?

    | Fri 21 Apr 2017 20:18:06 #11 |
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    No, not at the time. Is "recent" just showing recently watched or recently recorded? In any case, none of the Family Guy episodes showing on the list are flagged as "new" so they've been watched. However, last week's Doctor Who has been watched but isn't on the recent list. There are three un-watched programs from last night not on the recent list.

    | Sat 22 Apr 2017 9:25:40 #12 |
  3. aciddad


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    There doesn't seem to be any logic to what programs are displayed as "recent". In all the time I have had this feature it has never only shown the most recent programs. It seems to be quite random.
    My preference would be a "new recordings" tab and a "all recordings" tab.


    | Sat 22 Apr 2017 12:47:35 #13 |
  4. Stephenesque


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    I'm looking forward to having the ability to search A-Z, it is something I asked Humax for 12 months ago.

    I don't understand what's new about the 'Recent' feature though. We already have a perfectly good, and easily accessible 'Recent' feature in 1.01.57, which shows all the recently viewed recordings in the correct order, which I often use to view an interrupted recording.

    | Sat 22 Apr 2017 14:38:12 #14 |
  5. Barry


    senior admin
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    Software now available to download for USB update:


    (first post also edited to include link)

    | Mon 24 Apr 2017 5:47:19 #15 |
  6. barryiow


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    Thanks for the Link Barry, but am I the only one who cannot open it?
    I tried restarting the computer but it still opens the link in Adobe Photoshop 7.0?
    Any thoughts?

    | Mon 24 Apr 2017 7:49:29 #16 |
  7. Barry


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    Try saving instead of opening...


    Click the top link on this page - fvp4000t_upgrade.hdf:

    and save.

    | Mon 24 Apr 2017 8:12:14 #17 |
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    Thanks Barry. Recording Schedule now displaying everything it should - yay!

    | Mon 24 Apr 2017 9:46:20 #18 |
  9. Gobbl


    Joined: May '16
    Posts: 20


    Not sure if it’s just me, but what are Humax thinking with the "Recent" option and what is it supposed to address? I am willing to be enlightened, but the "Sort by Time" option in Programme actually shows the most recent!

    I have not seen any request on this forum, or others, for such an option and see little point to it when using the box as a traditional PVR. On the other hand I have seen many request for the option to have the recorded programs in a series ordered oldest first, but they seem to have ignored this gripe going back to when the box was launched! This should have been resolved over a year ago when the first public reviewers and users of this forum raise it as an issue.

    Do they just think of something to do that they can add as an “improvement or feature” to tick a corporate box and not listen to the owners/users?

    | Mon 24 Apr 2017 15:28:24 #19 |
  10. Barry


    senior admin
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    Recent = recently watched I believe (obviously, as in since new software uploaded)

    | Mon 24 Apr 2017 18:30:05 #20 |

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