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New FVP 4000T software version 1.02.13

(53 posts)
  1. Stephenesque


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    Barry - 1 hour ago  » 
    Recent = recently watched I believe (obviously, as in since new software uploaded)

    But as I pointed out earlier we already have that feature on the older software, so how is it a 'new' feature?

    | Mon 24 Apr 2017 19:36:12 #21 |
  2. Gobbl


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    Barry - 1 hour ago  » 
    Recent = recently watched I believe (obviously, as in since new software uploaded)

    Thanks for your thoughts Barry and please keep up your good work with Humax. But if that was the intention its an obvious fail on their part, as one, it's not accurate and two, do they think users are so stupid that they are unable to recognise what they have already watched? IMHO it's a totally pointless feature to develop when so many other (simple) features have been identified, specifically the recorded series order listing.

    | Mon 24 Apr 2017 20:30:05 #22 |
  3. barryiow


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    I have now managed the software upgrade, many thanks for your help Barry.

    | Tue 25 Apr 2017 9:25:38 #23 |
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    Stephenesque - 15 hours ago  » 

    Barry - 1 hour ago  » 
    Recent = recently watched I believe (obviously, as in since new software uploaded)

    But as I pointed out earlier we already have that feature on the older software, so how is it a 'new' feature?

    This is correct, the recent option was always there but it was on the right when one pressed home but is now on the left.

    | Tue 25 Apr 2017 11:18:09 #24 |
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    Is there anything extra on the 1.02.13 release as it is 1Mb larger than the beta version

    | Tue 25 Apr 2017 15:00:57 #25 |
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    Hi Barry,

    Do we know if they've sorted out the long internet password issue where it only accepts 32 characters ?

    | Wed 26 Apr 2017 10:10:36 #26 |
  7. Barry


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    esme - 20 minutes ago  » 
    Hi Barry,
    Do we know if they've sorted out the long internet password issue where it only accepts 32 characters ?

    No idea sorry.

    Anyone care to try this?

    | Wed 26 Apr 2017 10:31:24 #27 |
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    esme - 12 hours ago  » 
    Hi Barry,
    Do we know if they've sorted out the long internet password issue where it only accepts 32 characters ?

    Why not just shorten your router password ?
    32 chars seems excessive ?

    | Wed 26 Apr 2017 22:52:21 #28 |
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    giverny - 11 hours ago  » 

    esme - 12 hours ago  » 
    Hi Barry,
    Do we know if they've sorted out the long internet password issue where it only accepts 32 characters ?

    Why not just shorten your router password ?
    32 chars seems excessive ?

    The standard for WPA-PSK (AES) is a 256 bit key entered as either 64 hex digits or an 8 to 63 character passphrase, last time I tested the Humax it wouldn't accept a passphrase of more than 32 characters, so excessive or not the Humax doesn't conform to the standard.

    Poor security & not conforming to standards is why we have stupidity like Mirai, the internet of things bot net. I dread to think what someone could do with the processing power of a 4000T bot net.

    | Thu 27 Apr 2017 10:28:36 #29 |
  10. Stephenesque


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    Barry - 1 week ago  » 
    New software version now available version 1.02.13
    A phased roll out commenced a few minutes ago via IP, and is available to download from Humax website for usb update.
    Release note: see edit below.
    Improved search function - FAQ
    Smart auto retune - FAQ
    New FAQ's will be published shortly. links as above
    Edit: 21/04/2017
    Release Note:
    • Improved Search
    • Added Smart Retune
    • Recording Page Updated – ‘Recent’ option, and Sort by A-Z added

    Right, so I've managed to do my first software via an SD card because I couldn't wait any longer for the new A-Z sorting on the recording page...but where is it?

    I have the new software, the stats have moved to the top right, 'Recent' has moved from the bottom to the left hand list, but I can see no means of sorting my 267 recordings by A-Z.

    Am I missing something?

    | Thu 27 Apr 2017 17:55:15 #30 |

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