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New FVP 4000T software version 1.02.13

(53 posts)
  1. Barry


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    Off top of my head as not near a unit....

    Highlight a recording folder, press +, sort is the last option, maybe Sort A-Z or Sort by Time depending how list has previously been sorted...

    | Thu 27 Apr 2017 18:16:33 #31 |
  2. Stephenesque


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    Thank you Barry, that is exactly right.

    I couldn't see the + EDIT onscreen as I was missing out the step of selecting a recording first.

    I had expected the A-Z to be a sorting option listed on the left hand side just as sorting by Channel and Day of the Week are, but I suppose that would have been too obvious

    But thanks once again for stopping me tearing out what little hair I have left.

    | Thu 27 Apr 2017 18:25:56 #32 |
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    Barry - 1 week ago  » 
    Stats moved because there is a new option on left hand side 'Recent'
    I personally have not highlighted how the timers are listed.....however Humax Towers read this Forum regularly so I am sure they are aware of comments.

    So the storage info is now where the time and date used to be displayed, right (as per the settings/guide pages, unless I'm going crackers). It was useful to have this info on the recordings page, surely they could have both on there, there's plenty of room.

    | Tue 2 May 2017 8:12:39 #33 |
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    This may be just a coincidence, but since I installed this update there has not been a single case of the "lost schedule" symtom. And yes, I did remove my overnight internet block on the router. I know that not everyone was affected by that problem - but it now seems to be fixed.

    | Tue 2 May 2017 10:20:03 #34 |
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    Has anyone else noticed that after you delete an episode you've just finished watching - the oldest one of course. Rather than highlighting the next episode, the 4000T now seems to highlight some apparently random episode? Not sure what it did before mind.

    | Tue 2 May 2017 13:51:30 #35 |
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    Has anyone noticed that the BBC red button icon keeps coming back after the green button has been pressed to get rid of it. Even if its left to go in its own time it keeps coming back sometimes going and coming back immediately before it finally goes. Sometimes still coming back later. (This of course only happens when the BBC activate it for News, sport etc).
    This did not do this prior to the recent software update. (1.02.13)
    Is it just my FTP-4000T or has anyone else experienced this problem.
    (I hate on screen icons so any I can get rid of is good for me).
    This does not happen on my Fox T2 or any other Freeview receiver that I have.

    | Tue 2 May 2017 16:38:04 #36 |
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    I'm not going to update my 4000 software, it works fine with no glitches at all.

    I disconnected from the Internet months ago, and since then no problems at all.

    I leave the box powered up 24/7

    Schedule works exactly as it is supposed to, select & delete recordings works great, not a single recording missed, I record perhaps 6 programmes a day, mostly as backup for my Humax Freesat.

    Though the 3 timers are useful at times.

    | Tue 2 May 2017 21:07:49 #37 |
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    The new search system is a huge improvement. Also I've just done a retune and the smart retune is a great feature, meaning I did need to add my whole schedule back in.

    Nex,t perhaps we can search by genre for the full week and be able to organise recordings into folders as we could in my last Humax box. Maybe shrink the scheduled recordings so we can see more per screen too.

    | Fri 5 May 2017 8:36:59 #38 |
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    Also, do we need Recent, Channel, and Day of Week in the recordings menu? Does anyone use them? Makes it a bit of a slot to check my schedule.

    | Fri 5 May 2017 8:38:42 #39 |
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    Hi, Ive had a FVP4000T for 2 days now and Ive not ever had anything in the "scheduled recordings list". Presumably the new software version will correct this.

    I tried the software update and it says its not available. I see from the forum that roll-out is phased - any clues whetehr this is days, weeks or months away?

    | Sun 7 May 2017 21:56:27 #40 |

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