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New - FVP 5000T

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    All my recordings in recordings list disappeared. This has happened once before but they all reappeared. Just rebooted now all back again.

    | Sun 19 Nov 2017 15:41:21 #241 |
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    I used to have that problem on the 4000 in the early days, but it was cured by an update. I would have thought the 5000 would not have this problem, but looks like it has.

    | Sun 19 Nov 2017 15:46:39 #242 |
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    Another quirk or glitch I have noticed on my box is that I needed to disconnect the power and reconnect (in order to repopulate my recordings list) but did so during the first of a pair of serial records.

    It obviously predictably abandoned the current records ie two programmes involved, and didn't start to continue to record them when the power was reestablished, which I'd expect it to, but also it seems to have abandoned it's plans to serial record all future programmes of those programmes that were aborted during the power off/on cycle. So it effectively forgot those serial records ie current and future and they had to be entered again.

    | Sun 19 Nov 2017 15:51:22 #243 |
  4. grahamlthompson


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    uk1 - 11 minutes ago  » 
    Another quirk or glitch I have noticed on my box is that I needed to disconnect the power and reconnect (in order to repopulate my recordings list) but did so during the first of a pair of serial records.
    It obviously predictably abandoned the current records ie two programmes involved, and didn't start to continue to record them when the power was reestablished, which I'd expect it to, but also it seems to have abandoned it's plans to serial record all future programmes of those programmes that were aborted during the power off/on cycle. So it effectively forgot those serial records ie current and future and they had to be entered again.

    Are you sure the next episodes are in the epg so the box can find them ?

    If you lose power during recording it stops the recordings and they do not start again if power is restored before the recording has ended. once the box has gone through the restart the clock operations it should find the remaining programmes provided of course they are in the epg.

    I can try emulating a power cut during a recording to see what happens tomorrow morning.

    | Sun 19 Nov 2017 16:03:48 #244 |
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    I had previously just programmed a current and future recordings. So it was in the middle of recording the first in that series when I disconnected the power.

    When I powered back on, it was neither recording or had retained future recording for those two programmes only. It now also seems that it had lost all existing recordings although that may be a coincidental glitch not caused by this. I also went into future recordings and they weren't there. I went back to the guide said "OK" the the specific programmes and on thefuture programmes on the left hand side all were without the red button against each that would signify an intention to record future programmes within the series. It asked me if I wanted to record future programmes within the series which I did. The red dots obviously then reappeared.

    | Sun 19 Nov 2017 16:32:04 #245 |
  6. grahamlthompson


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    uk1 - 3 minutes ago  » 
    I had previously just programmed a current and future recordings. So it was in the middle of recording the first in that series when I disconnected the power.
    When I powered back on, it was neither recording or had retained future recording for those two programmes only. It now also seems that it had lost all existing recordings although that may be a coincidental glitch not caused by this. I also went into future recordings and they weren't there. I went back to the guide said "OK" the the specific programmes and on thefuture programmes on the left hand side all were without the red button against each that would signify an intention to record future programmes within the series. It asked me if I wanted to record future programmes within the series which I did. The red dots obviously then reappeared.

    I have a recording of Homes Under The Hammer BBC 1 HD tomorrow morning I will pull the power as it is recording and post what happens.

    | Sun 19 Nov 2017 16:37:29 #246 |
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    Graham, you are insatiably inquisitve like me. Let us hope that curiosity doesn't kill the cat.

    You could always programme something on next ...... and then pull the plug out ..... that would save you wondering until tommorow ....:)

    | Sun 19 Nov 2017 16:55:36 #247 |
  8. grahamlthompson


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    uk1 - 3 minutes ago  » 
    Graham, you are insatiably inquisitve like me. Let us hope that curiosity doesn't kill the cat.
    You could always programme something on next ...... and then pull the plug out ..... that would save you wondering until tommorow ....:)

    Not while the better half is watching TV in the Kitchen using the 5000T

    I want to eat my roast beef and yorkshire, not wear it

    | Sun 19 Nov 2017 17:01:04 #248 |
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    My wife dreads "would you mind if I just .........."

    | Sun 19 Nov 2017 17:18:45 #249 |
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    I have just purchased the FVP-5000T as an upgrade to an old TalkTalk YouView box, and quite pleased with it so far.

    One odd thing I have noticed is that when I select Grid view for recordings, the next day I go back to it, it has reverted to List view. Is there somewhere else I should be changing this to make it a permanent selection ?

    I am also surprised to find that there is no skip forward or back buttons, that it needs to be done via the play button, and also no discrete power codes for multi-system control (Logitech Harmony), unless Humax have just not released them yet.

    | Mon 20 Nov 2017 13:13:24 #250 |

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