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New owner questions

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    Got one of these and setup Friday and have been playing with it, but have some questions.

    1. When I switch on, come out of the settings, come out of watching a recording etc I get a blank screen and have to go Freeview Play button>Live TV to get the picture bck, is this a known bug or a setting I've missed?

    2. I've deleted all the channels I don't want ie.non HD versions when there is a HD version, shopping and reality ones, and added a few to Favourites 1, but is there a way to order those in favourites so I can have the 4 main channels HD versions at the top of the list instead of the bottom as they sort in number order? or change their numbers like I could on a Freeview TV?


    | Mon 22 Mar 2021 15:57:30 #1 |
  2. Barry


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    1. A few report this, wait for the next update see if it improves matters

    2. Current beta test software has the ability to re order favourites list of channels, and appears to work well, so should be included in next public update.

    | Mon 22 Mar 2021 16:12:05 #2 |
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    Barry - 11 mins ago  » 
    1. A few report this, wait for the next update see if it improves matters
    2. Current beta test software has the ability to re order favourites list of channels, and appears to work well, so should be included in next public update.

    Nice one, cheers for the reply

    | Mon 22 Mar 2021 16:24:24 #3 |
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    I've got one of these arriving today and will be comparing it to the Manhattan t3-r. How often are public updates made available OTA and when was the last one and what significant features are missing from the public firmware at the moment? Any tips at all for someone just getting one? I'm hoping it's fairly stable cos if it starts crashing the wife will just give up on it straightaway and demand I keep Sky that I'm determined to get rid of.


    | Sun 28 Mar 2021 13:29:50 #4 |
  5. grahamlthompson


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    zAndy1 - 1 hour ago  » 
    I've got one of these arriving today and will be comparing it to the Manhattan t3-r. How often are public updates made available OTA and when was the last one and what significant features are missing from the public firmware at the moment? Any tips at all for someone just getting one? I'm hoping it's fairly stable cos if it starts crashing the wife will just give up on it straightaway and demand I keep Sky that I'm determined to get rid of.

    Updates are delivered over your internet connection. Freeview stopped OTA updates a long time ago.

    | Sun 28 Mar 2021 14:35:32 #5 |
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    zAndy1 - 1 hour ago  » 
    I've got one of these arriving today and will be comparing it to the Manhattan t3-r. How often are public updates made available OTA and when was the last one and what significant features are missing from the public firmware at the moment? Any tips at all for someone just getting one? I'm hoping it's fairly stable cos if it starts crashing the wife will just give up on it straightaway and demand I keep Sky that I'm determined to get rid of.

    I got one just over a week and my Sky turned off last Wednesday and the savings will pay for the Aura within 7 months. The box does take a little geting used to as it does things a bit differently to the Sky box (I had a Sky+HD box not Sky Q) like for example catchup not being downloaded to the box, but it also does things better like the apps and being able to delete unwanted channels from the EPG (so goodbye went all the shopping, reality, adult and food channels). There are a few little annoying bugs to sort out, but I'm sure they'll be done soon.

    | Sun 28 Mar 2021 15:21:37 #6 |
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    Martin Liddle

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    ShaunIOW - 24 mins ago  » 
    There are a few little annoying bugs to sort out, but I'm sure they'll be done soon.

    The Aura beta test thread which is pinned to the top of the Latest discussions is worth keeping an eye on. Humax are bug fixing in a way I haven't seen for a long time so I think they are determined to try and make this a very good box.

    | Sun 28 Mar 2021 15:49:12 #7 |
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    Just got my box today and wanted to know how I become a beta tester?

    Also the last public firmware/software was in Jan according to my box, so when can we expect the next public release?

    The pixelation/freezing issues on hd and timeshift is really annoying.

    | Sun 28 Mar 2021 22:29:41 #8 |
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    Well I got mine yesterday, had some weird picture issues already, was watching top gear and the picture just went black then some random garbage started appearing on the screen then it went black for a few seconds and then came back. Happened twice but those were the only occurrences. Had some pixelation on the TV when I tried to watch something on my phone using the aura app but didn't last long. Noticed and created a thread about the aura app showing the wrong programme as current (surprised it hadn't been reported on here before I reported it to be honest, maybe people don't use the app much?).
    Echo the comments above really, how often are public updates released and is it possible to become a beta tester by any chance?

    | Mon 29 Mar 2021 7:35:33 #9 |
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    Another newbie question while we're at it. How long should the 'convert to mobile format' thing take in the app? I did a 2hr recording and it took probably about an hour, does that sound right? It did seem to cause some issues (picture breakup / black screen) with the box while it was doing the conversion but presumably you would only do this if you wanted to download something to your phone or tablet to watch remotely so it's not something you would do very often (still shouldn't affect the picture on the TV though really).
    And another question actually , what's the best output resolution to use if you don't plan on using any of the apps on the box e.g. YouTube / prime etc? I noticed with the box set to auto it set the resolution to 4k/60hz which isn't ideal really for our Freeview broadcasts. I'm tempted to just set it to 1080i and let the TV take care of the deinterlacing and upscaling (it's a Sony AG9 oled so it's good at that), presumably that's the best solution?

    | Mon 29 Mar 2021 8:37:24 #10 |

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