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New owner questions

(13 posts)
  1. grahamlthompson


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    zAndy1 - 7 mins ago  » 
    Another newbie question while we're at it. How long should the 'convert to mobile format' thing take in the app? I did a 2hr recording and it took probably about an hour, does that sound right? It did seem to cause some issues (picture breakup / black screen) with the box while it was doing the conversion but presumably you would only do this if you wanted to download something to your phone or tablet to watch remotely so it's not something you would do very often (still shouldn't affect the picture on the TV though really).
    And another question actually , what's the best output resolution to use if you don't plan on using any of the apps on the box e.g. YouTube / prime etc? I noticed with the box set to auto it set the resolution to 4k/60hz which isn't ideal really for our Freeview broadcasts. I'm tempted to just set it to 1080i and let the TV take care of the deinterlacing and upscaling (it's a Sony AG9 oled so it's good at that), presumably that's the best solution?

    I find that 1080p50 works best with my LG OLED. It avoids some motion artefacts on fast pans and moving titles. It also works fine with a Balun Pair Cat 7 to a kitchen Full-HD TV.

    | Mon 29 Mar 2021 8:47:28 #11 |
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    A couple of other bugs I've encountered.

    1. Every so often when i turn everything on I get a black screen and the TV reports no signal from the Aura box and I have to turn off the Aura and turn it on again, sometimes a couple of times as the first time I get a screen of interference.

    2. When I pause, after a few minutes my soundbar turns off as not receiving any sound (as is normal), but when this happens the program doesn't stay paused and starts playing, when I restart the soundbar the screen goes black and I have to restart the box and sometimes get the same issue as in 1.

    3. Occasionally if I start watching a recording then stop it to come back to later it goes back to the start rather than letting me resume at the last point.

    | Sat 3 Apr 2021 13:43:42 #12 |
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    zAndy1 - 5 days ago  » 

    And another question actually , what's the best output resolution to use if you don't plan on using any of the apps on the box e.g. YouTube / prime etc? I noticed with the box set to auto it set the resolution to 4k/60hz which isn't ideal really for our Freeview broadcasts. I'm tempted to just set it to 1080i and let the TV take care of the deinterlacing and upscaling (it's a Sony AG9 oled so it's good at that), presumably that's the best solution?

    1080i is the one I have the Aura set at (connected to Panny Plasma), as SD looks wishy-washy on the Aura's 1080p setting IMO.

    Depends what you usually watch, but personally speaking I'd let your Sony do the heavy lifting, though 1080p/50Hz or 60 through the Aura might be better when viewing sports action..

    Worth experimenting to see which you prefer.
    Awesome telly you have by the way

    | Sat 3 Apr 2021 14:10:41 #13 |

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