My Humax Forum » Freesat HD » HDR 1000, 1010, 1100S

New Software update

(25 posts)
  1. grahamlthompson


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    x6tus - 15 minutes ago  » 
    John what do you mean by:

    Humax have removed the alternative
    equipment from the remote control

    He means the remote control will only control the HDR-1000s, the others are multidevice having buttons to control TV DVD and Audio as well as the PVR.

    Humax support and forums are plagued with queries from owners who have inadvertently pressed the wrong control button and assumed the remote had failed. At a guess this is why it was removed. The older remotes will control the HDR-1000s anyway and you can buy one quite cheaply. With Harmony remotes available from as little as £20.00 I wouldn't bother.

    | Wed 19 Dec 2012 10:59:11 #11 |
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    John the Met - 10 hours ago  » 
    The most likely reason for this is cost cutting, I do hope that this hasn't been extended to the HDR 1000S itself and we are dealing with a turkey that can't be updated to get rid of its bugs.

    One thing that concerns me is a quote from the Freesat folks over on...
    ...that a request, that the "List" setting under "Guide" (for example "Favourites") be fixed until the next change to "List", and ideally reflected into the i-Banner, could not be fulfilled because of lack of memory capacity. This suggests the hardware on the box is maxed-out and not up to any major s/w changes. Not good.

    | Wed 19 Dec 2012 11:01:12 #12 |
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    Posts: 15


    I am taking mine back to the shop today. Had a massive row with the guy from Richer Sounds about it not being fit for purpose but I am not waiting in the hope that a software update "might" fix some of the issues I have been experiencing.

    Sadly my Humax ownership has lasted just 5 days.

    | Wed 19 Dec 2012 12:15:34 #13 |
  4. chrisund123


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    My box had already gotten the update when I got home last night. My missus played something on the Iplayer (think it was in SD, over my 10mb VM connection) and where previously it was unwatchable it was perfectly fine.

    Will have to try with some HD content later.

    | Wed 19 Dec 2012 13:03:54 #14 |
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    Coincident with the software upgrade, all my recodings have just vanished. My 'to record' schedule is intact, but around 10 hours of recordings have been completely wiped. It may not be connected to the update, but they were there yesterday and gone today. Anyone else experienced such an issue? The missus is none too pleased, cursing the box and wanting to reinstate the HDR Fox T2 or the Foxsat HDR, which both have a new home in the kid's bedrooms.


    | Wed 19 Dec 2012 19:23:11 #15 |


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    I had this once - but they were back after a standby cycle.

    | Wed 19 Dec 2012 19:24:50 #16 |
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    Thanks Repassac. Re-booted and now they are all back! - Strange.

    | Wed 19 Dec 2012 19:40:41 #17 |
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    Same problem as weebster above. Following overnight update all my recordings and planned recordings disappeared and the on demand service threw up an error message about a bad link.
    A re-start appears to have solved these.

    | Wed 19 Dec 2012 20:13:25 #18 |
  9. John the Met

    John the Met

    Joined: Nov '12
    Posts: 26


    Good Day All.
    Has anyone found a positive change to the performance of their HDR1000S since the installation of UKSFAA 1.00.16?
    As I have posted earlier I have found none and rather cuttingly described it as "Window dressing".
    In truth, I find it hard to believe that this is the case but can anyone offer any reason for 1.00.16., I have been mulling over to myself the possibility that it has changed the architecture of the firmware in readiness for the improvements proper hence is transparent to us all at the moment; speculation by someone that has no true knowledge of how Humax and Freesat/Freetime go about their business.
    I must add that I've had no further negative aspects post 1.00.16 such as the loss of recordings either stored or proposed but I did a reboot which is a standard practice after any form of software update.

    | Mon 24 Dec 2012 20:35:17 #19 |
  10. Barry


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    Posts elsewhere have been highlighted to me re a file that has appeared on Humax beta download site.

    This file is only a default file and not firmware, they are much larger in size.

    Unless advised by Humax support - in which case you will be given upload instructions, ignore it.

    | Thu 27 Dec 2012 21:39:21 #20 |

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