souporjuice - 47 minutes ago »
OK, try this:
You can hear the clicky remote as I press buttons. All I'm doing is opening the guide, then hitting down until I go over to the next page of results, then i click up again, then down again, so you can see that thing redraw. Slowly.
Upload the clip to a fileshare site. Without a frame accurate editing programme editing package, a known frame rate capture rate it's impossible to deduce anything with any degree of accuracy.
Given the original footage it's very easy to find the exact instant within the frame rate compression limits. The resolution is clearly down to the framerate resolution.
At 50fps the event accuracy is accurate to to 1/50 second. At 25 fps 1/25 second. (measured in minutes:seconds:frames)
A frame accurate editing package will show the exact instance of an event within the frame rate limitations.
Posting a video clip with no access to the original content means nothing.
As others have now observed the clip posted has no value at all.
I will try and post some actual event stills just before and after the actual events, based on the same sequence despite the fact that it's not a sensible way to use the UI (If only to check if Souperjuices box is not working as it should).