I should say first of all that I haven't been on the forum for a few days and so was unaware this had rolled out.
Turned on the box this morning and got the Humax splash screen with blue light, then the screen went dark and after 30 seconds the red light came on.
Pressed the power button on the Humax remote and the blue light came on. A few seconds later BBC 2 came on the screen.
Pressed 101 and the red light came on, but box still on and showing BBC2!. Waited a bit and pressed the power key, blue light comes on and a 'Home Screen Renewal' overlay appears.
Great, I thought the new software has rolled out overnight. Press the Home key, nothing happens. Press the Guide button, nothing happens.
Puzzled I press the power key and the box turns off. Left it for a while and turned back on. All seems okay apart from one huge issue. I now have no recordings! The recordings screen shows the drive is roughly 75% full but no recordings are shown on the right.
I'm turning it off at the mains and hoping they magically return.