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Newbie sorry, fvp5000t to aura on network

(2 posts)
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    new member
    Joined: Dec '23
    Posts: 1


    Hi sorry completely new to all this: had a fvp-5000 Humax box and have recently bought an aura in another room with a new tv….there’s loads of recordings on the old box and I’d like to be able to watch them on the new box in the new room. Reading else where I see if the two boxes are on the same wifi network i might be able to watch the fvp5000 recordings on the aura albeit in SD. Is this the case and if so could anyone give me a simpletons guide of how to do it?
    Looked through the threads changed some setting me but have yet to work it out!

    | Sun 10 Dec 2023 21:06:01 #1 |
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    senior member
    Joined: Dec '20
    Posts: 55


    If the TV is media savvy and connected to your ethernet then you should be able to 'see' the old Humax without reference to the Aura.

    | Tue 12 Dec 2023 15:55:36 #2 |

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