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No BBC! WEST (points west)

(23 posts)
  1. grahamlthompson


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    Op seems incapable of answering a simple question.

    Without more info. Here is my theory (pure guesswork)

    1 I guess the aerial on Lark Stoke is correctly vertically polarised and aligned on Lark Stoke. On a auto tune it finds BBC1 West Mids on Channel 32.

    Next it finds another mux on UHF channel 32 off the back of the aerial. Gets stored at 800 plus. Most likely from the main power transmitter at Mendip (horizontally polarised) and a much higher power than Lark Stoke.

    If speculation is correct manual tune will never work. The aerial will need to be rotated to horizontal and re-aligned on Mendip to reject the channel 32 Mux from Lark Stoke.

    I guess the TV has the same issues but the OP has found the duplicate channel UHF 32 mux ( If he posted the channel number (lcn) it would confirm this).

    I guess the TV will also have BBC1-West Mids on on it's correct LCN.

    A simple test will confirm all the Op has to do is watch the South West programme and identify the UHF Mux channel it is using.

    Unless the OP answered our questions, it's all pure speculation.

    As we all know trying to use Accurate recording with channels from more than 1 transmitter causes all sorts of recording issues.

    Unless the OP gives us more info. What more can we do ?????

    | Mon 14 Sep 2020 20:13:38 #11 |
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    Why does the second PSB1 Mux (BBC West) have to be on UHF 32? More likely, I would have thought, on some other UHF channel from a nearby Mendip relay transmitter.

    OP, if you are able to check the UHF channel used by the TV for BBC West, it would be helpful.

    | Mon 14 Sep 2020 21:30:52 #12 |
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    I have noticed that, according to the Freeview listings, Lark Stoke does not even have a Mux on UHF 32, its PSB1 Mux being on 26 and the others being 23, 30, 33. 36 and 48.

    | Tue 15 Sep 2020 6:43:55 #13 |
  4. Trev


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    Pointless generating more and more speculation unless OP comes back.

    | Tue 15 Sep 2020 6:57:18 #14 |
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    Trev - 8 mins ago  » 
    Pointless generating more and more speculation unless OP comes back.


    | Tue 15 Sep 2020 7:06:31 #15 |
  6. grahamlthompson


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    A1944 - 1 hour ago  » 
    I have noticed that, according to the Freeview listings, Lark Stoke does not even have a Mux on UHF 32, its PSB1 Mux being on 26 and the others being 23, 30, 33. 36 and 48.

    BBC 1 SW is 32 on Mendip Which is why I asked the OP to check if he got a signal on UHF 32.

    | Tue 15 Sep 2020 8:10:59 #16 |
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    Yes, I know, but above (in Post 11) you said:

    "1 I guess the aerial on Lark Stoke is correctly vertically polarised and aligned on Lark Stoke. On a auto tune it finds BBC1 West Mids on Channel 32."

    which is incorrect.

    | Tue 15 Sep 2020 8:33:51 #17 |
  8. grahamlthompson


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    I just looked at a map of Mendip relays. There doesn't seem to be any of them that would be a candidate most have tiny service areas. The Op would need to be a long way south of Lark Stoke to get reception from Mendip.

    | Tue 15 Sep 2020 8:41:36 #18 |
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    I don't have much to add to this topic but I just wanted to comment that you guys have all put in a lot of effort here to help out, I'm really impressed.

    I'm considering buying a Humax Aura (announced yesterday) and having an active support community is definitely one of the tickboxes on my list.

    | Tue 20 Oct 2020 11:49:32 #19 |
  10. grahamlthompson


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    A1944 - 1 mnth ago  » 
    Yes, I know, but above (in Post 11) you said:
    "1 I guess the aerial on Lark Stoke is correctly vertically polarised and aligned on Lark Stoke. On a auto tune it finds BBC1 West Mids on Channel 32."
    which is incorrect.

    Which bit is incorrect ?

    | Tue 20 Oct 2020 13:12:38 #20 |

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