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No HD channels with new Aura

(2 posts)
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    Mr Moley

    Joined: Dec '15
    Posts: 23


    Have just taken delivery of a new Aura but cannot get any HD channels. Already have another Aura in the house which has all the HD channels. Have done numerous auto channel searches without any success. Any ideas?????????

    | Sat 16 Mar 2024 12:16:19 #1 |
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    special member
    Joined: Mar '22
    Posts: 139


    Are the two Auras using the same aerial, does the TV the new Aura is connected to get the HD channels
    on its own tuner.
    Make sure the aerial cable going into the Aura is connected securely and check that the aerial plug/ connector
    good contact with the solid copper core.

    Go to the older Aura and switch it over to one of the HD channels, BBC1HD for example.
    Now press the Freeview button on the remote.
    Go to Settings and then to Channel & Broadcast> Signal Test.
    Tuner 1 should be in operation unless you have something being recordered on another channel
    then another tuner will be in use.
    Next to Tuner 1 (if it is the only tuner in use) you will see CH with a number after it, that number
    is the multiplex which your HD channels are broadcast. Take a note of it.

    Go to the new Aura, then Freeview button> Settings> Channel & Broadcast> Manual Channel Search.
    Click on Channel and enter the number you noted earlier.
    Go to Transmission and change it to DVB-T2 (only the HD channels are broadcast on DVB-T2
    all the SD channels are broadcast on DVB-T.)

    If the Aura is receiving a signal on that mux/ frequency then the Strength and Quality metesr will be populated.
    If so press Search.

    Hopefully that will get you the HD channels.

    | Sat 16 Mar 2024 14:22:16 #2 |

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