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No remote recording to FVP5000 - app or laptop

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    My remote recording ability has stopped working from my android phone using the Live TV app or from my Windows 10 laptop using the MYHumax aplliction. Can still watch live tv and recordings from the app and from Windows. I can schedule a recording on the app or Windows and it shows on both the schedule on Windows and the app. On Windows I can see all the scheduled programmes on the FVP5000, but on the android app I can only see the scheduled programmes I have set from the app or from Windows. These scheduled programmes never get sent to the FVP5000 however.

    As far as I can see I have all the settings as they should be, and it was working in the past.

    One odd thing is that on the android app when the time for the scheduled recording has passed, I go to the schedule in the app, click on the thumbnail picture of the programme, and instead of getting the programme details and option to cancel it, I get a totally different programme showing and no option to remove it.

    Does the app and the MyHumax Windows application use a Humax server for the Live TV and remote recording functions? It seems that both the app and the Windows application are both registering the requested programme to be scheduled, but this information is not then being sent to the registered FVP5000, or if it is, is not being acted upon.

    | Mon 3 Jan 2022 11:25:42 #1 |
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    Exactly the same problem here; remote recordings used to work, now they don't.

    | Tue 4 Jan 2022 17:05:52 #2 |
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    That's interesting. Have contacted Humax support, but so far no reply. As I have said in another thread, the Live TV android app has also disappeared from the Google Play store. I informed Humax and they said they were unaware of this and were looking into it. Hope they are not stopping support for the remote recording feature now they have launched the Aura box

    | Tue 4 Jan 2022 17:43:40 #3 |
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    geoffcc - 6 mins ago  » 
    That's interesting. Have contacted Humax support, but so far no reply. As I have said in another thread, the Live TV android app has also disappeared from the Google Play store. I informed Humax and they said they were unaware of this and were looking into it. Hope they are not stopping support for the remote recording feature now they have launched the Aura box

    That just about sums up Humax customer support!
    "They said they were unaware of this" (the app no longer showing on the PlayStore) because, as you know, I spoke with them myself to report the issue several days ago.

    | Tue 4 Jan 2022 17:52:23 #4 |
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    Pretty much convinced now that the remote recording facility relies on a Humax server. The Humax server gets recording requests from the Live TV app (or from the My Humax portal on a PC), then sends out instructions to the FVP for the recordings to start at the set time - except it isn't doing this. So the problem is probably with the Humax server, not with the FVP.

    Humax must know this, but seem unable/unwilling to deal with it. Maybe they have a too much data to store and process with the aura roll-out, which probably has priority. It may be no coincidence that they have been asking people to log in to their accounts or lose their data recently.

    I wish they would come clean and tell their customers what is going on.

    | Fri 28 Jan 2022 12:46:18 #5 |
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    Martin Liddle

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    geoffcc - 6 hours ago  » 
    Pretty much convinced now that the remote recording facility relies on a Humax server.


    The Humax server gets recording requests from the Live TV app (or from the My Humax portal on a PC), then sends out instructions to the FVP for the recordings to start at the set time - except it isn't doing this.

    I think it is the other way round; the instructions are stored on the server and the FVP polls the server at specified intervals to check if there are any new requests. I take it that you have checked that the settings on the FVP for remote recording are still correct?

    | Fri 28 Jan 2022 19:02:45 #6 |
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    Yes, the FVP settings are correct. Is there anyone on here that does have remote recording working on an FVP? Seems to be a lot of people for whom it was working, then it wasn't. The only software update we have had of late has been the Youtube search fix, but not sure when the remote recording ceased working, so not sure if it could have been caused by that.

    | Fri 28 Jan 2022 19:31:03 #7 |
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    I think it is the other way round; the instructions are stored on the server and the FVP polls the server at specified intervals to check if there are any new requests. I take it that you have checked that the settings on the FVP for remote recording are still correct?

    On the MY Humax portal, accessible on my Windows laptop, it supposedly shows the schedule of programmes to record. I guess that this must come from the FVP and is stored on the server. However, the schedule shown on the My Humax portal bears no resemblance to what is currently on my FVP5000. Instead it shows a schedule of 100 entries from Aug 17 to Nov 14. No recent schedule information is shown. Maybe Nov 14 is when communication between the FVP and the server stopped?

    If I set a recording from the App it appears on the My Humax portal, which perhaps suggests that the App is sending it to the server, and hence it shows on the My Humax portal. If so, communication between the server and the FVP, in either direction does not seem to be happening. If someone who has a FVP4000/5000 is still getting remote recording then maybe something (maybe network DNS settings?) could be the culprit. If no-one is getting remote recordings, then I suspect a Humax server problem.

    | Fri 28 Jan 2022 20:07:03 #8 |
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    OK, I have got remote recording now, but not via the app. I can now get it from the My Humax portal ( on both my laptop and my phone - even when on mobile data roaming. The android app just does not work as it should, which might be why it is not on Google Play now.

    Not sure why it suddenly started working on the portal, but been trying changing various network settings. One thing I did find was that my FVP kept turning the server off and would only work again if rebooted, so that might have contributed to the problem. Have a similar problem when I stream videos the FVP from my laptop using DNLA - it would say "Server has shutdown" after about 30mins.

    The portal is not working entirely as it should. It still shows an old set of scheduled programmes and adds any new ones to them. The old ones cannot be deleted, but any new ones can. Recordings set on the portal still show on the app.

    Using the portal on a smartphone is not great, but at least it is working. Maybe one day Humax will update the android app.

    | Thu 3 Feb 2022 10:04:16 #9 |
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    The remote recording function has plagued me since my first acquisition of a FVP back in 2019. I use the TV guide app for iOS which interacts with the portal at which is also accessible via a web browser. In short, the functionality was very unreliable - I have discussed on this forum several times. I have also found the Humax support people quite helpful when they have the time but could offer no solution. I have spent a fair amount of time studying the network activity between FVP and the portal but this is of limited use as most of the traffic is encrypted. I have managed to discover the patterns in network activity which occur when the remote recording activity occurs - in my case on the half hour. I finally made progress when I bought a second FVP (recon) for another room to allow viewing of HD recordings over the network. I discovered that this new FVP with identical SW performed perfectly with remote recording. The only difference between the two was the number of recordings. Both my machines are 1TB. I deleted a large number of old recordings from the older FVP and that then started to work correctly. Over time however, remote recording became unreliable. I have not been able to analyse in detail but my working hypothesis is that the half hourly network interaction was so quick (about 2 seconds) that with a large number of recordings (and/or many recordings in the schedule), some key network activity could not complete correctly.
    But I have some new news. I had to perform a channel retune earlier this week (I guess we all did) and since then the remote recording seems to be working normally. What I can say is that the half hourly network activity now takes longer (about 2 minutes or more) and the portal schedule stays exactly in sync with the FVP in real time (which it never did before). Why a channel retune should fundamentally alter network activity I cannot say - but it is possible that the portal controls the interaction and in some way recognises that retune has occurred and alters the way it works.
    I’ll keep testing and monitoring and report back but if anyone wants to know more detail about my testing then please send me a PM.

    | Sat 5 Feb 2022 8:27:31 #10 |

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