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No sound Humax HDR-1800T

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    I bought a Humax HDR-1800T and a Blaupunkt TV at the same time (July 2017)from Sainsbury's. Sound disappeared on the HDMI input from Humax as soon as switched TV to its own off-air source and back to the HDMI socket for the Humax. Sound also sometimes disappeared when changing source within Humax menus, for example between recorded material and live off-air.
    Switching TV off/on did not help, but switching Humax off/on at wall did bring sound back. Switching Humax off/on with its remote did not work as it just switched to/from standby. Another PVR (an old Panasonic) plugged into same HDMI socket on TV had no problems with sound.
    As it was the weekend, so Humax telephone help-line not available, I assumed unit was faulty and returned it to Sainsbury's who replaced it with identical Humax HDR-1800T. This gave exactly same behavior.
    I spoke to Humax help line once it re-opened. They said to check
    (1) TV was set to STEREO and not MULTI-something. I'd already found this in TV menus and tried changing it to STEREO.
    (2) Turn off CEC (Consumer Electonic Control?) in the TV menus. It was already off but tried turning it on and back off. Neither solved the no sound problem.
    I then spoke to Blaupunkt help line. They made similar suggestions but also offered to send me updated software for TV. I accepted this and installed onto TV. Did not solve problem with loss of sound on HDMI input to TV from Humax HDR-1800T.
    As Humax insisted problem was with TV, I returned TV to Sainsbury's. The person who took it from me an Sainsbury's Customer Service desk, was interested to hear of my problems as her parents have similar loss of sound problems with their Humax recorder which they work-around by switching it off/on at the wall socket!
    Sainsbury's swapped Blaupunkt TV for a Bush TV, but when I connected it I had exactly the same problem. Loose sound on HDMI from Humax.
    A brief search online for "Humax no sound" brought up many similar occurrences going back a number of years. At this point I gave up, and returned the second Humax HDR-1800T to Sainsbury's who gave me a full refund. Bought a new Panasonic recorder instead, which admittedly lacks the SCART output socket, but the sound does work.

    | Thu 17 Aug 2017 13:20:24 #1 |
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    Hi Graeme51
    This as been an issue for a long time now with the 2000T/1800T.
    You only get the sound problems with the HDMI socket, mostly when if the box is recording, it is a pain but you can get round by also connecting it via the scart or RCA out puts to the TV as these don't get sound problems, just switch over till you can reboot or put it to standby when its finished recording.

    Humax is aware of the problem but as never done anything about it, they say it is a fault of the TV which is a load of rubbish.
    The 4000T freeview play box don't have these issues, I have never had this with my 4000T but I do with my 2000T, I have just learned to live with it now.

    | Fri 18 Aug 2017 10:53:49 #2 |
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    That is why you needed to use a passive splitter - cost around £1.75p.

    | Fri 18 Aug 2017 21:58:48 #3 |
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    Faust - 10 hours ago  » 
    That is why you needed to use a passive splitter - cost around £1.75p.

    I'm confused, how does a passive splitter cure the "no audio via HDMI" fault?

    It would certainly fix the 'no loop through' aerial problem, but the OP has not complained of that.

    | Sat 19 Aug 2017 8:12:23 #4 |
  5. Barry


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    fedman1 - 2 minutes ago  » 

    Faust - 10 hours ago  » 
    That is why you needed to use a passive splitter - cost around £1.75p.

    I'm confused, how does a passive splitter cure the "no audio via HDMI" fault?
    It would certainly fix the 'no loop through' aerial problem, but the OP has not complained of that.

    He wouldn't need it anyway as the 1800T does not have that issue.

    | Sat 19 Aug 2017 8:15:36 #5 |
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    Barry - 5 minutes ago  » 

    fedman1 - 2 minutes ago  » 

    Faust - 10 hours ago  » 
    That is why you needed to use a passive splitter - cost around £1.75p.

    I'm confused, how does a passive splitter cure the "no audio via HDMI" fault?
    It would certainly fix the 'no loop through' aerial problem, but the OP has not complained of that.

    He wouldn't need it anyway as the 1800T does not have that issue.

    Thanks Barry, I had forgotten that particular problem only affected the 2000T.

    | Sat 19 Aug 2017 8:23:34 #6 |
  7. black knight

    black knight

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    bill63 - 23 hours ago  » 
    Humax is aware of the problem but as never done anything about it, they say it is a fault of the TV which is a load of rubbish.
    The 4000T freeview play box don't have these issues, I have never had this with my 4000T but I do with my 2000T, I have just learned to live with it now.

    Agreed, it is utter rubbish from Humax, especially when all the other boxes I have from them all work perfectly with HDMI. Only the 1800/2000T range has this sound problem.
    I'm guessing it's something Humax screwed up and can't fix, else they would surely have remedied this show stopper of a bug.

    | Sat 19 Aug 2017 10:18:08 #7 |
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    Use a passive splitter to maintain signal to TV whilst you power up the 1800T. Once the 1800T is powered up select the correct HDMI input via the TVs remote and you tend to find you will have audio. Do make sure that CEC is off though.

    Lots of people have followed this 'simple fix' and it does work for many. What have you got to lose £1.75p?

    | Sat 19 Aug 2017 14:04:53 #8 |
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    Sounds odd, but as you say worth a try.

    | Sat 19 Aug 2017 19:19:15 #9 |
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    A passive splitter works well with stopping signal problems on your TV when you turn your box on from standby, but it does NOT solve the sound issue with the 2000T on the HDMI.
    I still get the sound issues even though I have a splitter fitted.
    I find if I select the HDMI input on the TV then turn on your box I will get sound most of time.
    But changing inputs on the TV then going back to box input on the HDMI while the box is on, sometimes by doing this the sound goes, to get it back I put it in to standby for a couple of minutes if not recording or switch to scart.

    | Sun 20 Aug 2017 10:48:44 #10 |

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