Gary g
I have approached the problems logically and gleaned information from many sources...but my conclusion is this bit of kit ... IT HAS NOT BEEN DEBUGGED to the standard where it should even be on the market.
You must have done more work than me, and have a much more detailed knowledge of the internals of the Humax and the standards involved, because I have been unable to establish whether the HDMI problem is with the Humax or the TV because, as far as I can see, it could be with either.
As for its being "fit for purpose" I am quite certain that Humax never has claimed, and never will claim, it is "fit for purpose" - and no sane manufacturer ever would. It was virtually a sackable offence where I worked to use those terribly expensive and dangerous words in a contract!
All Humax, and every other manufacturer from Apple to Zinga, will claim is that a box meets the standards they publish for it. If it is connected to another box which does not meet those standards, it will, of course, fail - but it will not be the Humax's fault.
My PVR-4000T does not have the problems you report.
| Thu 21 Jan 2016 0:58:58
#13 |