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Occasional black screen

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    Same problem as lots of others, occasional black screen on ITV,ch 4 and ch5, only since 7th Feb. Only got box last month, but it's been perfect up until last Wednesday. Will try using HD stations instead and hopefully will get an update

    | Sun 11 Feb 2024 9:30:52 #1 |
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    The problem seems to be restricted to one of the broadcast multiplexes and the channels that it carries.
    So I would have thought this was a broadcast issue rather than a Humax issue, I could of course be wrong.

    Humax have not issued a firmware/ software update for the Aura since August 2021, even though there are
    many little issues that should have been addressed, so I would not hold out for an 'update' from Humax anytime
    never mind soon.

    | Sun 11 Feb 2024 9:40:04 #2 |
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    Buffalo24 - 2 days ago  » 
    Humax have identified the Blank Screen issues with Aura and are sending out an Over The Air Update to selected Aura Users. This is a test update and once confirmed that the Update is functioning correctly then all Aura Users will receive the update.

    As mentioned in this other thread Humax are looking into a possible fix.
    Until then HD channels work fine.

    | Sun 11 Feb 2024 14:40:06 #3 |
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    That's a reassuring post regarding a pending fix. I changed all my HDMI leads, checked all aerial connections, changed my TV HDMI input port and re-booted numerous times. I'll try the HD channels to see if it happens with them.

    | Sun 11 Feb 2024 15:25:34 #4 |
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    Dan_in_stoke - 1 hour ago  » 

    Buffalo24 - 2 days ago  » 
    Humax have identified the Blank Screen issues with Aura and are sending out an Over The Air Update to selected Aura Users. This is a test update and once confirmed that the Update is functioning correctly then all Aura Users will receive the update.

    As mentioned in this other thread Humax are looking into a possible fix.
    Until then HD channels work fine.

    Yeah I find that highly unlikely.

    | Sun 11 Feb 2024 16:38:42 #5 |
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    I’ve only had my 2TB Haumax aura a few weeks. Last week February 6th 2024 Black screen glitch every 5 minutes

    | Sun 11 Feb 2024 21:17:15 #6 |
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    alastair121 - 8 hours ago  » 
    That's a reassuring post regarding a pending fix. I changed all my HDMI leads, checked all aerial connections, changed my TV HDMI input port and re-booted numerous times. I'll try the HD channels to see if it happens with them.

    I wouldn’t hold your breath.

    Usual Humax support BS. Was told when I bought mine and had issues a firmware update was imminent, that was 2 years ago, still have the issues and waiting for the fixes.

    The Aura has not had an update in nearly 3 years, I’d be surprised if they still have any staff to work on it.

    | Sun 11 Feb 2024 23:42:31 #7 |
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    blinking has begun for me too, on itv3, since 6.2.24, as well as fastplay not working properly. it seems the 2 issues are the same problem. anyone found a solution?

    | Mon 12 Feb 2024 7:23:19 #8 |

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