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"On Demand is loading" but it doesn't complete

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    Several times now the message "On demand is loading" appears when I click on 'On Demand'. The box has the latest software installed and is "Connected to the internet". The message suggests I try again in a minute or so but I have waited maybe 10 to 15 minutes and it is still "Loading". Switching the box off using the remote then back on again after 30 seconds fixes it and 'On Demand' then loads very quickly.

    Is this a common problem and something that one has to live with or is there a fix?

    I realise that Humax are unlikely to put effort into updating this Freesat box since Freesat and Humax parted ways but it would be nice to know if others are having the same issue.

    Thanks in advance.

    | Mon 5 Apr 2021 17:55:45 #1 |
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    Martin Liddle

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    Justintime - 42 mins ago  » 
    Is this a common problem and something that one has to live with or is there a fix?

    I think there have been a couple of recent reports that have been fixed by doing a reset to default settings.

    | Mon 5 Apr 2021 18:39:10 #2 |
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    OK. Thank you.
    Q1 - Are these reports on this forum (I didn't find any) or other forums?
    Q2 - I assume resetting to default settings means that I will have to reconnect to the internet (no problem) and sign-in again to on-demand services (a pain) but will I lose my recordings?

    | Tue 6 Apr 2021 7:41:39 #3 |
  4. Barry


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    You will not lose recordings, but make a note of your recording schedule as you will have to re input that.

    | Tue 6 Apr 2021 8:25:36 #4 |
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    Martin Liddle

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    Justintime - 2 hours ago  » 
    OK. Thank you.
    Q1 - Are these reports on this forum (I didn't find any) or other forums?

    See (read the whole thread).

    | Tue 6 Apr 2021 10:40:34 #5 |
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    OK. Having read most of the threads I come to the following observations: -
    1. This issue has been around for a long time and it is still not fixed.
    2. Resetting to defaults only seems a temporary fix and the issue reoccurs.
    3. Similar if the router is rebooted.
    4. On-Demand can be "Connected to the internet" but still not complete "Loading".
    5. The issue seems to fix itself sometimes even though the owner has tried everything else and given up trying.
    6. It happens at peak viewing time. I doubt that Humax or Freesat will be updating their servers at peak viwing time so seems to point at the Humax box itself.
    7. It doesn't happen to all Freesat boxes or else there would be more reports.

    My conclusion - Seems like a bug with the Humax 'On-demand' feature on some boxes, which makes it a hit n miss experience that we have to live with.

    | Tue 6 Apr 2021 13:00:32 #6 |
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    Point 5 in post #6 proved itself yesterday. 'On Demand' would not work on the 7th so I switched Humax off and watched On Demand direct via the TV. The day after, the 8th, the Humax On Demand worked faultessly.


    | Fri 9 Apr 2021 12:48:45 #7 |

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