My Humax Forum » Freesat HD » HB 1000S, 1100S

One for All Remote and the 1100S

(15 posts)
  1. Paul_D


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    I have five Humax boxes (9300T (retired), Foxsat-HDR, HDR-Fox T2, HDR-1100S and FVP-4000T).
    I also have five different One for All remotes.

    The initial setup key code differs depending on the Remote/Humax combination.

    Irrespective of which One for All remote I use, the following are the initial setup key codes which work for all of my Humax boxes:

    Humax 9300T - SAT 1808 or VCR 1794
    Foxsat HDR - SAT 1176
    HDR-Fox T2 - SAT 2443
    HDR-1100S - SAT 2443
    FVP-4000T - SAT 2443

    Note: The above setup key codes only work if the Humax is set to Mode 1. If you are using Modes 2 to 6, you will need to use the "Learning" feature from your old remote (or contact One for All and see if they have an updated code for your remote).
    See the following page to change Mode:

    Once the basic functions are working, the 5 digit key codes are the same for all Humax models.
    Note: some older remotes use a three digit key code instead of a five digit key code - they are actually the same codes without the "00" at the start of the number. "00296" becomes "296".

    | Tue 8 Aug 2023 10:55:15 #11 |
  2. Paul_D


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    jdlfreetime - 1 hour ago  » 
    I use the urc7145 with my Humax 1100s.

    See the following page:

    I'm not sure if your remote is capable of direct learning from the individual code as One for All don't specifically mention it on their website.
    Copied from that page:

    Your One For All remote is capable of copying functions straight from the original remote control that came with your device.

    To use the learning feature, please follow the instructions below:

    Hold down MAGIC until the light blinks once and then twice and stays on
    Enter code 975, the light will blink twice.
    Press the MODE key to select the relevant device key
    Press the key on the One For All where you would like to place the learned function, the device LED will flash rapidly.
    Press and release the key on the original remote control that you wish to learn. The LED will blink twice to indicate the key has been learned correctly.
    Press and hold the MAGIC key to store the learned function until the light blinks twice.

    Additional Information:

    It is possible to learn up to 100 functions on this remote.
    To learn multiple keys, you can repeat steps 4 and 5 instead. When you have finished learning all of the required functions, press and hold MAGIC to store.
    A time-out will occur if no signal is received from the original remote within 5 seconds. To retry, press the key to be learned on again.
    It is possible to learn onto an empty device mode. The functions from this learned only device mode can also be used in Macros and Volume lock.
    One long blink indicates the remote did not capture the signal correctly.
    Two long blinks indicate the memory is full.

    Try it using the MAGIC 994 function and see if it works.
    It won't break anything and you might be lucky and find that that feature is already included.

    | Tue 8 Aug 2023 11:00:28 #12 |
  3. Paul_D


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    For info, One for All 9xx command codes are universal and work across all One for All remotes.
    However, not all One for All remotes support every 9xx feature set such as "Learning", "Macros" and "Key Mover".

    Some of the more useful ones are as follows:

    975 - Learning from other remotes (requires original remote)

    981 - Restore Factory Defaults

    992 - Mode re-assignment - set up two of the same devices on the remote i.e. a second SAT box on the VCR key.

    994 - Key Mover (programming that does not require original remote)

    | Tue 8 Aug 2023 11:32:43 #13 |
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    Hi Paul_D,

    Thank you for info. Certainly worth knowing more. I knew about the mode 1 issue, but may have another try at some point. Excellent background information that I will make a note of! John L

    | Tue 8 Aug 2023 13:07:15 #14 |
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    Paul_D - 21 hours ago  » 
    Hi RichardH, see the following page:
    Follow the instructions on their website to program the new function.
    The 5 digit key codes for SAT code 2443 are as follows:
    00308 0
    00443 1

    Thank you so much. It worked! But it took a lot of goes to get right, and to be honest, I don't know what I did that made it work.

    Thanks again!
    00692 2
    00440 3
    00438 4
    00698 5
    00565 6
    00313 7
    00311 8
    00571 9
    00327 Add Bookmark
    00680 Audio
    00425 Back
    00587 Bookmark List
    00314 Channel Down
    00629 Channel Up
    00630 Exit
    00708 Fast Forward
    00246 Fastext Blue
    00248 Fastext Green
    00500 Fastext Red
    00503 Fastext Yellow
    00251 Guide
    00683 Info
    00296 List
    00330 Media
    00566 Menu
    00632 Menu Down
    00375 Menu Left
    00372 Menu Right
    00377 Menu Up
    00245 Mute
    00635 OK/List
    00423 OPT+
    00711 Pause
    00453 Play
    00437 Power
    00713 Record
    00456 Rewind
    00584 Schedule
    00454 Skip Back
    00714 Skip Forward
    00548 Sleep
    00324 Slow
    00695 Source
    00459 Stop
    00678 Subtitle
    00582 Text
    00568 TV/Radio
    00554 Video Format
    00677 Volume Down
    00506 Volume Up
    00294 Wide
    This allows you to assign code 00296 to any single key to convert that key into a "List" key.
    You can assign any feature to any key with the exception of the DEVICES, ACTIVITY, or Magic keys.
    One for All advised me that programming extra keys this way is better than "learning" from your old remote because this method uses less memory within the One for All remote allowing you to change more keys.

    | Tue 8 Aug 2023 18:47:50 #15 |

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