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Only 1 minute recorded on schedule programmes

(57 posts)
  1. Fixdit


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    Posts: 112


    Another CH4 HD mystery. Checking through my recordings on my Aura I noticed
    that I had a new recording in my... Handmade: Britians best woodworker folder.
    It had Handmaid.... as the title, on Playing it turned out to be an episode of
    The Handmaidens Tale! It was not set record. I was not in at the time. The time stamp gave a start time of 9 pm. The Woodworker should have been recorded at 8 pm. I can only think that simularity of the titles caused the upset. there were no truncated recordings elsewhere.

    | Wed 2 Nov 2022 12:17:05 #51 |
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    Fixdit - 8 hours ago  » 
    Another CH4 HD mystery. Checking through my recordings on my Aura I noticed
    that I had a new recording in my... Handmade: Britians best woodworker folder.
    It had Handmaid.... as the title, on Playing it turned out to be an episode of
    The Handmaidens Tale! It was not set record. I was not in at the time. The time stamp gave a start time of 9 pm. The Woodworker should have been recorded at 8 pm. I can only think that simularity of the titles caused the upset. there were no truncated recordings elsewhere.

    Sunday was when daylight savings ended, so maybe the recirding time was out by an hour if it hasn't adjusted for the time change.

    | Wed 2 Nov 2022 20:52:51 #52 |
  3. Fixdit


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    Posts: 112


    Sorry missed some info out. Handmade: Britains best woodworker, is set to record
    on Wednesdays.Todays episode recorded correctly. The Handmaid's tale was transmitted on Sunday at 9pm. and it ended up in Handmade: Britains best woodworker..... Folder.

    | Thu 3 Nov 2022 3:46:53 #53 |
  4. davidrew


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    Don't know if this is a good or bad thing......

    The Channel 4 and 4HD programme guide is not populated after 6am this coming Saturday.

    This is on the Aura, Freeview APP and the Freeview WEB Site.

    | Mon 7 Nov 2022 9:49:36 #54 |
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    davidrew - 3 hours ago  » 
    Don't know if this is a good or bad thing......
    The Channel 4 and 4HD programme guide is not populated after 6am this coming Saturday.
    This is on the Aura, Freeview APP and the Freeview WEB Site.

    Its now showing on 4HD though still not on SD. Shows both on my Panasonic TV guide.

    Regards Handmaids Tale.... mine is also recording Handmaid's Tale on the same tag as Handmade: Britain's Best, shows as its own recording but when trying to cancel it shows as a future recording on the woodworking show,even though it does not show as a scheduled recording on its own slot.

    Not had any minute recordings now for around 2 weeks, how's other people now?

    | Mon 7 Nov 2022 13:13:33 #55 |
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    I have a 1800T and have also had problems with Handmaids Tale. It didn't record last night and I assumed that I had made a mistake.
    Just went in to schedule the recordings again and guess what - no Handmaids Tale scheduled but I will be getting Handmade: Britain's Best.
    Will keep an eye on this.

    | Mon 7 Nov 2022 18:49:52 #56 |
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    Yesterday I removed Handmade: Britain's Best from the scheduled recordings and scheduled Handmaids Tale and it looks OK.
    Having said that Britain's Best is not on next Wednesday so this test may be irrelevant.

    | Thu 10 Nov 2022 9:44:50 #57 |

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